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Research On The Simulation Of USV By Bending Capsizing And Floating Attitude Recovery

Posted on:2013-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330377458746Subject:Fluid Mechanics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Unmanned surface vehicle (USV) is a complex system. It refers the ship, therobotization, the information and communications and the manufacturing, so there are a lot ofthe heading of the research. And the safe of USV is one of the important heading. USV is asmall boat, and it is always sailing in the entironment without persons and the controller,therefor it is threatened more badly than the other ship by the entironment, and it must getmore attention and research.The textual researched the anti-capsize motion and the floating attitude recovery motion,as follow the safe of USV. The aim of the textual got the forecast for the anti-capsize motionand the method for the anti-capsize motion. And the textual can divide three parts:The first sect was about the analysis of the maneuverability and the simulation of theanti-capsize motion. The four degrees Mathematics motion pattern could be got by analyzingthe idiosyncrasy of the athwartships stability, and the anti-capsize motion, and the six degreeMathematics motion pattern which was established by the motorial idiosyncrasy. And thenthe hydrodynamic derivatives could be forecasted by using the identification of the organicvector machines. And then proofing the Mathematics motion pattern was correct and theidentification of the hydrodynamic derivatives was feasible, by simulating the motionparameter and the motion quality through writing the VC++emulation program and theMATLAB emulation program.The secondly sect was about simulating the floating attitude recovery motion. First, thefloating attitude recovery Mathematics motion pattern could be found by analyzing theidiosyncrasy of the floating attitude recovery motion; Secondly, the transverse andlongitudinal coefficient of damping, the resistance force and the other coefficient in theequation could be accounted by using the method that was CFD technology which was usedby the numerical modeling; Last but not least, the floating attitude recovery motion and thetime of the floating attitude recovery motion of the USV was simulated, by writing the VC++emulation program.The third sect was the visual simulation of the floating attitude recovery motion and theanti-capsize motion. This sect main explained two different visual simulation methods. Firstof all,the interface and the controller was taped by the VC++with the MFC; Secondly, the driver was wrote for the mode of USV which was found by Creator and for the mode of themarine environment by the functions which was offered by Vega and the program of thesimulation which was taped by VC++; Final, the anti-capsize motion and the floating attituderecovery motion was seen by the software of3dsMAX, through using the motorial modereceived in the first part and USV’ mode, the marine mode, the skyey mode and wave-makingmode was found by3dsmax.The security and the relieving capability could be got some study and attempt. It offeredthe reference and the technology not only for USV, but for the whole ship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Simulation, system identification, anti-capsize and floating attitude recovery, USV
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