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The Study On Xishan Mountain’s Ancient Architecture Drawing Of Kunming

Posted on:2012-11-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330374957677Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From people’s “building with wood as nest” in order to avoid the beast at theancient times, to the great improvement of housing conditions, and then to the developedand elegant timber construction, the art of building is amazing enough to win people’sadmiration. As for the Chinese ancient buildings, people attracted not only by thebuilding structure, but also by its colorful, solemn and elegant drawings on eaves.Building drawing is a significant part of the art of architecture. As early as the5thcentury BC, architecture drawing has been developed along with the development ofancient buildings. The Drawing usually emerges on the beams, corbel arches aroundeaves, and on the ceilings, caissons, sparrow braces and door jambs. The exquisitedrawing, with its closely connected composition and structure, plays an important role inthe decoration of buildings, bearing a unique function. As a kind of traditionalarchitecture decoration, Chinese ancient architecture drawing, with its cultural diversity,was closely associated with a nation’s history, culture, life and custom, and then thenation’s cultural symbol gradually coming into being in some certain region. The regionof West Mountain in Kunming is rich in its resources of ancient architecture drawing.After the traditional culture spread from Centre Plains to Yunnan, the limits of geologicalconditions lead to its localization, so the different drawing styles represented variouscharacteristics. This paper takes the ancient architecture drawing in West Mountain intostudy, because the drawings there are not only typical, but also preserved well andcompletely. This paper is armed at protecting the constant development of the locallycharacterized architecture drawing. The major achievements of the study are as follows:①Based on the research of Literature Retrieval, this paper made a detailed andsystematic induction conclusion. Especially in Qing and Ming dynasties, architecturedrawing became stylized and formalized. And the five classification of the officialdrawing in Qing dynasty figured great importance for the development of architecturedrawing.②According to the collection of basic data, the reference of relevant information andthe fieldwork, this paper defined the ancient architecture drawing in West Mountain as akind of mix-style combining the official drawing and the local one. And in terms of the style, carrier, architecture class and pigment, there is a relevant classification for theancient architecture drawing in West Mountain. In terms of style, there are Buddhistdrawing and Taoist drawing (such as HuaTing temple, TaiHua temple and LongMenwhich are belong to Buddhist temples, while SanQing temple which is belong to Taoisttemple); in terms of carrier, there are timber drawing and stone drawing; in terms ofarchitectural class, there are ornamental building drawing, dwelling building drawing andmonks’ house drawing; and in terms of pigment, there are architecture drawing beforeOpium War and the drawing from then on.③Comparing the five top classifications of the official drawing in Qing Dynasty tothe ancient architecture drawing in West Mountain respectively, with a comparativeanalysis, there comes to an outstanding regional and localized character among thedrawings in West Mountain. This paper studied the emotional meanings of architecturebodies such as the ceilings, caissons, corbel arches, corner beams, sparrow braces anddoor jambs. And then it find that some of them are symbols of architecture class, someare symbols of luck and fortune, and some symbols of virtues, and so and so forth.④after the environmental investigations and researches, facing up to the seriousdamages to the architecture drawing caused people or nature, this paper gives its methodsand steps to protect the drawing in the aspects of drawing procedure, restoring principleand color analyzing and applying. And that is method of clearing the ordure on thesurface, reinforcing the restoration and protecting with a jacke. In addition, there comesto a conclusion concerned with restoration and preservation to the drawings without thebase firstly, stem the crack of the timber, and then take the chemical measures toreinforce.⑤with the best use of their advantages and avoiding their disadvantages, this paperchose the meaningful figurative elements to be dismembered, cut out, separated andexplanted, and follow the rule of traditional official style to design the Su ShiFloral-pendant Gates which can match the ancient architecture drawing in WestMountain and creatively redesign the entrance and side Hall of Tai Hua temple. Use theunique and meaningful symbols and its good wishes and symbolic allusions, through the ways of deriving from the official style, applying the Buddhist decoration, classic styleand Occidental culture, to create a drawing style combined with traditional flavor andmodern trend, so as to enrich the cultural implication and aesthetic connotation ofmodern drawing.
Keywords/Search Tags:architecture drawing, Xishan, artistic form, create
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