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Low Carbon Concept In The Reflection Of Industrial Art Design

Posted on:2013-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371980158Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Low energy consumption, low carbon dioxide emissions, low pollutionconcept is called "low carbon". Low carbon design is to meet environmentalrequirements for targets, and ensure that the product’s function, quality, servicelife of a design. In the original design, first consideration of the environmentalfactors. Low carbon design with the product life cycle, is from the root toprevent environmental pollution.Low carbon design is the need of economic development. At present inthe consumption idea of two large categories, one kind is production cycle,manufacturers to create market popular as the goal, the product mustconstantly; The second is consumption circulation, consumers purchaseaccording to the market popular trend, lead to commodity service life cutshort, do not lose the original function in the premise of popular replaced bynew products. As a big country of China, not only material, technology, andthe environment needs diversification, and the extensive style of economicoccupy subject status, this has the product structure technology behind,environmental pollution and consumption of resources, low cost, great littleincome. Low carbon design can very good reflect intensive mode ofproduction requirements, the low carbon concept into the design of works,make the environment, product, people all organic union.Low carbon design features:1expand product life cycle of the products from production to put intouse so far is the traditional product life cycle, and according to the life cycle ofproduct use end recycling and disposal of the design is low carbon design.2low carbon design is closed loop design low carbon design life cycle inaddition to the traditional life cycle such as design, manufacture, use, but alsoincludes the removal of disposed products recycling, disposal, realize theproduct life cycle stages of the closed-circuit circulation, and these processesin the design must be parallel to consider, and low carbon design is parallelclosed-loop design.3low carbon design for maintaining ecological balance andenvironmental protection design personnel and analysis of the products to consider environmental needs low carbon from the traditional design is one ofthe major features of design. Low carbon design can start from productproduction reduce waste production.4low carbon design to reduce the mineral resource exhaustion on earthdue to the low carbon the material of products, support and parts can recyclereset and thus reduce the energy used to energy use, and protecting the earthecological balance, out of the new way of sustainable development.5low carbon design is very good deal with the problem of waste disposallow carbon design will destroy the waste products in the first stage, can reducethe waste of the environment by damage, reduce the product and the conflictbetween environment.Low carbon product features:Low carbon design products should be the low consumption and lowemission reduction and energy saving a benefit to the environmentalprotection product. Is through the low carbon design, low carbon production,low carbon transport package to fulfill.1low carbon design of environmental protection product in its life cycle(manufacturing, sales, use) process, the environmental protection, no damageto the user, in line with the state environmental protection products for therequirements.2low carbon design of environmental protection product should havemore functional, reduce the cost resources and energy use and reduces theproduction cost performance, also don’t reduce the production and use of theprocess to reduce the use of energy and resources manufacturing efficiency.3to disposed products, the products of the shell, support, spare parts, etccan reset, recycling and maintenance, or can be safely in situ buried and not todamage the environment.Low carbon environmental design and traditional design difference:Low carbon design and traditional design is the biggest differencebetween: original design for disassembly and recycling of the waste productcombination of different reset consideration; For resource utilization andenvironmental protection consciousness different; For the sustainabledevelopment of the different cognitive degree; In the design of product notonly ask its performance, quality, cost, profit, but also need to take intoaccount the influence to the future of the design purpose is different.Low carbon design criteria:Low carbon design criteria is generally will environment standards in thefirst consideration, followed by technology standards, economic standards andhuman body engineering principles.1. The product of low carbon environmental protection material properties and the inseparable relationship.2. Reduce product materials use kinds3. The design process to avoid excessive trival design.4. Prolong the service life of similar products is also can rise the right tothe protection of the environment.5. In the production process of utmost to save energy and resources.Low carbon to the influence of the product design future:The future of product is undoubtedly low carbon environmentalprotection products for the leading. As people to protect the environment ofthe ecological balance of cognitive more and more profound, not only is theproduct to low carbon environmental protection, life in all convenient willhave low carbon figure.1. The product of multi-function collection in a body is also low carbonfuture environmental protection product development trend.2. Improve efficiency not only refers to the process of manufacturingproducts, including product use process.3. Whether low carbon environmental protection products or traditionalproducts, good product quality this principle will not be changed.4. Low carbon future environmental protection product to have pricecompetitive advantage, do cheap and fine.5. Shorten the production cycle.6. Many kinds of personalized, in the future of low carbon productcompetition in the role of a more critical.7. Small and multi-function product destined to become mainstream.The article is divided into four sections to elaborate low carbon designin the reflection of product modeling design.The first chapter is of low carbon concept of exposition.The second chapter separately from low carbon design and low carbonproduct features, low carbon design and the traditional industrial designThe relationship between the concept in low carbon and productmodeling design on the application of three little point to low carbon paper cutRead to industrial design influence.In the third chapter from product production cycle, low carbon designproduct environmental protection material, low carbon design steps and lowcarbon asher Four points to this plan standards of the design of specific application.The fourth chapter of low carbon future the influence of product design.
Keywords/Search Tags:low carbon, design, environmental protection, industry design
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