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Research On Pre-control About Construction Settlement Dispute Affected By Preparation Quality Of BOQ

Posted on:2013-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371973715Subject:Technical Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Code of valuation with bill quantity of construction works (GB50500-2003) issued in 2003marked the China Engineering Cost entered the bill of quantities stage, further amended in 2008,BOQ pricing model has become the main pricing model of the domestic construction projects.Completion of settlement as an important part of the bill of quantities, the dispute caused by reasonsis closely related BOQ preparation of quality. The research of key factors affecting the quality ofBOQ can be pre-control the completion of settlement disputes.The paper focuses on the BOQ quality control on the settlement of disputes.First, from theperspective of the whole process of cost studies, there are a lot of reasons causing the completion ofsettlement of disputes. The transaction phase of BOQ quality is an important factor in thecompletion of settlement disputes. Secondly, the paper detailed documentary research to determinethe key factors affecting the completion of settlement in the preparation of BOQ. BOQ preparationof the key factors are: project characteristics description, item omissions, the accuracy of Quantities.Again, the paper researches project characteristics description, items omissions, project the amountof the accuracy of three key factors in the literature to explore its mechanism caused by settlementof disputes; the same time, these factors to produce the underlying causes of in-depth explore theproposed solutions and counter measures against the key factor in papers literature. The use of casestudy analysis method to these three key issues, analyzed in the thesisThe paper use progressive method to study the cause and solutions of the key factors, whichallow owners to enhance the great importance of these aspects, to achieve the targeted control of theproject cost, to effectively reduce the generation of the completion of settlement disputes, theultimate realization of the owners of the project cost control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bill of Quantities, Compilatory Quality of Bill of Quantities, Settlement Disputes
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