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From Alexander To Salingaros

Posted on:2013-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2232330371496766Subject:Urban planning and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After World War II, the simple functionalism of western physical spatial planning was espoused by modernists, derived from the conception that a city is a machine. The rapid development of urban construction destroyed the urban form arisen more or less spontaneously over many years, leading to the lacking of urban diversity and complexity. At present, our country is facing its rapid urbanization and development of urban construction, such simple-mechanized urban design that only seek economic benefit badly destroyed urban vitality and urban complexity. As a result, the inhumane scale and enclosed spaces will inevitably lead to serious problems in the interaction between people and the vitality of urban spaces.This paper attempts to deal with the urban complexity theory, represented as Alexander’s and Salingaros’s, from the perspective of the complexity science when faced with this sort of situation. The author tries to make connections between humanized urban design and complexity science, so as to launch the practice of urban design in our country and to improve the urban environment.With the purpose of gaining a clear idea of the history of western modern urban complexity theory and giving suggestions on Chinese urban construction, the author present an comparative analysis of urban complexity theory of Alexander’s and Salingaros’s in aspects of theoretical background, methodology and their knowledge of urban system complexity.This paper includes four parts. Part one introduces the background of Alexander’s and Salingaros’s urban complexity theory, including the brief introduction of the two persons, the background of western modern urban complexity theory and so on. Part two basically introduces their works and papers on urban complexity theory. Part three dicusses the development and transformation of their theory, in the perspective of methodology and their knowledge of urban system complexity. The final part gives the conclusion of this research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Alexander, Salingaros, Science of Complexity, Urban Complexity
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