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Study On Protection And Development Of Geoheritage

Posted on:2014-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B KangFull Text:PDF
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The protection and research of geoheritage and construction of geopark systemsin China has been conducted better than other countries. It is of great significance tostrengthen the protection and management of the geoparks, to make full use of thefunction of science education, aesthetic appreciation, ecosystem conservation andtourism economy of geoheritage and geoparks, and protect the geological relics fromdestruction. Meanwhile, the protection of geoparks is also an important part ofnational ecological civilization construction.Geological relics are the remains of earth process in its4.6billion year’sevolutionary history. Many important geological relics and geological landscapes canrepresent certain processes and events in a certain area, they are also the resource andbase of national or global sightseeing place. Geoparks is a fresh word which wascreated by UNESCO in the research of Geoparks Project. In November,2011,Yaoshan National Geopark in Henan Province was listed on the sixth batch of“National Geopark” published by the Ministry of Land and Resources, it got thequalification of building National Geoparks in April2012. According to the regulationof the Ministry of Land and Resources, the construction work will be completedwithin three years.This thesis is based on the analysis of the concept of World Heritage,Geoheritage, and Geopark, and summarized the research of geoheritage at home andabroad. The author took Yaoshan National Geopark as an example, tried to analyse theresource and protection conditions, and made comparisons with other NationalGeoparks in Henan Province in the resource types and website construction.This thesis is based on the following steps:firstly, given the theory analysis ofYaoshan National Geopark according to the requirements and regulation of theMinistry of Land and Resources. Secondly, master the tourists’ perception by usingAttitude Scale designed by the author, then take the24evaluations index into account,to find the shortcomings of Yaoshan geopark in tourism development. Thirdly, usearea method to estimate the Geopark ecological and environmental capacity and scale of tourists. At last, use trend analysis and list the SWOT matrix, then made8suggestion for the protection and development of Yaoshan geopark as follows:establish scientific construction planning, classify the geological relics in protection,highlight its own characteristics, strengthen the building of information system, buildnatural disaster emergency measures, emphasize ecological environmental protectionand cultural heritage protection, guarantee scientific research investment of YaoshanGeopark.In the conclusions and discussion part, the author listed the main results of thethesis, and points out the shortcomings in the thesis and future plans, to provide areference for further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Geoheritage, Protection and Development, National Geopark, Yaoshan
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