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The Relationship Between Population And Environment Of Hotan Prefecture And Its Evolution

Posted on:2014-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E S N S M T K E B TuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398967223Subject:Population, resource and environmental economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the actual situation of Hotan Prefecture’s population and environment,the article selected population size, population density, population structure andecological environmental quality as an indicator, on the basis of collecting a largenumber of environment theory and methods of computation for the relationshipbetween population and the state of environment, firstly we analyzed HotanPrefecture’s population and the state of the environment, and summarizes theproblems; studies suggest that Hotan Prefecture’s population size in seriousovedoading state, population growth rate faster, the quality of the population isgenerally low, make serious damage to the ecological environment. Secondly, fromthe aspects of population, using the ecological footprint and ecological bearingcapacity model and coordinated development of population and environment, fromqualitative and quantitative aspects, discussed the ecological footprint and ecologicalcarrying capacity of Hotan Prefecture, and Hotan Prefecture’s population andecological environment as a large system of two interacting subsystems, constructedthe coordinated development of population and ecological environment evaluationmodel, analyze the population and ecological environment coordinated developmentof Hotan Prefecture from1995to2010. Study results suggest that Hotan Prefectureecological deficit began to appear, Hotan Prefecture is in a state of unsustainabledevelopment, population and environment coordinated development degree is low,the overall for intermediate coordinated development status. Then, using thepopulation prediction software to predict the future population size of HotanPrefecture, and concluded that Hotan Prefecture ’s population over the next20yearswill be steady growth, in2030increased to2.47million, and put forward challengesposed by population growth will be on the ecological environment. Finally, this papercombined with Hotan Prefecture’s population development and the present situationof the ecological environment and social development, analysis of various influence factors of population and the environment changes, put forward the correspondingpolicy recommendations: effective control of rapid population growth, improvepopulation quality, to achieve the sustainable growth of population; effective use ofresources, to strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, improve theecological environment protection mechanism; Promote social and economicdevelopment, out of poverty, and improve people’s environmental consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Population, Environment, Ecological footprint, Coordinated development, Hotan Prefecture
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