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Based On GIS Of Tangyuan County LUCC And Ecological Effect Evaluation

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330398953554Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With further study on the impact of global environmental change, the influence of land usechange on the ecological environment has becomes study focus at the forefront of global changeresearch. In recent years, a number of human activities dominant region, the ecological effects ofdifferent land use patterns and intensity has demonstrated regional and cumulative characteristics ofthese characteristics has also been directly reflects on the structure and composition of theecosystem, land use has caused changes in the regional ecosystem.Compared to the foreign land use/land cover change, LUCC research in China is stillrelatively fragmented, there is no system. The data can not be shared area. Related research is alsomore focused on land cover mapping and structural analysis of the status quo, the lack of grasp onthe dynamics of LUCC and the corresponding means and methods, and mainly concentrated inthe large-scale research for regional scale land use/cover change and less on eco-efficiencyevaluation. Therefore, the ecological environment is relatively good Sanjiang Plain andXiaoxing’anling middle ground for the study, to select Heilongjiang Tangyuan as the study area,the period of the study is from2001to2010, the use of remote sensing data and topographic data asa basis for data TM and CBERS images as the main source of information, by means of remotesensing and geographic information systems, were extracted from the study area in2001and2010land use/cover information, and analysis of the the Tangyuan county land use changes in thestructure characteristics and the conversion feature of the land-use types, reference to Xie GaodiCostanza proposed ecosystem service value coefficients to develop ecosystem services valuecoefficient according to Yubara County, in order to be able to better understanding of land use/cover change on the local ecological effects the impact.This paper adhering to the outside to the inside layers of in-depth research ideas, first for theTangyuan2001,2010TM and ETM image data related pieces of information and data collection,combined with ArcGIS and ERDAS software overlay analysis,image pre-processing, interpretation,and ultimately get the two points in time in2001and2010land use/cover changes. Second, buildthe value of ecosystem services is calculated by Xie et al. Correction of terrestrial ecosystems unitarea ecosystem service value table, estimate the value of ecosystem services. According to theresults, the structural changes in the value of ecosystem services, the number of changes to acomprehensive and detailed analysis and elaboration. Finally, according to the findings, thecountermeasures and suggestions for the Tangyuan land use/cover change and the improvement of ecological environment.The following conclusions can be obtained through the analysis of the ecological environmenteffect evaluation of the study area the past10years:2001-2010Tangyuan LUCC big variationsmainly reflected in land converted to forest, pasture land, waters and other land dynamic1.02%;Tangyuan ecosystem services worth a total increase of2.165million yuan, mainly reflected in theland, orchard ecological service value reduction and pasture, the increase of the water ecosystemservice value, and ecological sensitivity. Description10years, the impact of land use on theecological environment, the Tangyuan the ecological environment, improve the ecologicalenvironment quality control measures are inseparable. The same time, based on the security statusof the ecological effects of the analysis of the positive and negative effects of land use types andlandscape ecological effects game analysis from the point of view of the ecological effects of landuse/cover change in the overall efficiency of the sustainable use of land ecosystems. In2001-2010,the contradiction between people and land have increased to0.07%of the land area of expansion,the total value of the increase, although ecosystem services, ecological effects remain in a safe state.Tangyuan future development need to further optimize land use, give full play to the ecologicalevaluation based on the ecological value of farmland, woodland, grassland and other land, andstrengthen the eco-efficiency of land use, ecological benefits and social and economic benefitsunity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tangyuan County, LUCC, GIS
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