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Based On The SCP In The Analysis Of Financial Statements Of CNPC

Posted on:2013-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P YangFull Text:PDF
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Following2010, the International Energy Agency (IEA) announced that China hadovertaken the United States in2009, in one fell swoop, the world’s energy consumptionsuperpower, in June2011, released by British Petroleum (BP) BP World Energy Statistics2011"once again claimed China surpassed the United States in2011to become the world’senergy consumption superpower. Although the Chinese government then refute data, variousstatistical data is slightly different from the normal, although the statistics are not the same,but all unmistakably reflects an objective fact-China and the United States are two of theworld’s largest energy consumer, a total of more than40%of the total global energyconsumption. Objectively speaking, Chinese energy consumption is sooner or later, China’senergy consumption growth rate is much higher than that of the United States, more than theUnited States is inevitable, a matter of fact, the substance of the controversy on the statisticaldata in addition to the statistics department is accurate adhere to the In addition, the more areflection of the Chinese government, China’s energy industry and society of China’s energysecurity a deep-seated anxiety. China’s energy industry under tremendous security of supply,energy conservation and global cooperation triple pressure, with the rapid economic growthand energy demand growth in a very rigid, only oil import dependence is close to55%. Halfof the new demands of the global oil and gas from China.Petroleum is one of the most important energy source for a country, it is the foundationof the home security, the key to prosperity and civilization. CNPC is China’s oil and gasindustry is dominated by the largest oil and gas producers and distributors, oil and gasresources in the country accounted for significantly dominant position. Its charged with theimportant responsibility to safeguard China’s oil security. Oil in a good financial position,fruitful operating results and adequate cash flow, the sustained, rapid and healthydevelopment will bring to the enterprise. The effective protection of China’s oil security.This article by Harvard analytical framework for the development of the oil strategy,accounting policies and accounting estimates, the financial statements and the futureprospects for the development of a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis,effectively compensate for the limitations of the analysis of the financial statements alone.And identify gaps through comparative analysis of the oil companies with domestic andforeign competition, and make appropriate recommendations for issues to provide effective support for the future decision-making.
Keywords/Search Tags:SCP, the analysis of financial statements, CNPC
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