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Aesthetic Preference Of Fashion

Posted on:2013-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330395455744Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Looking back on the researches about clothing aesthetic appreciation, we may find that scholars mostly expound it at the angle of aesthetics, hence lacking scientific angles. In some empirical researches, some people put more emphasis on the objective attributes of clothes, such as colors and styles. They follow the keynote that "beauty is objective", which is set by Plato for aesthetics. Others give great prominence to the affecting factors of the of the aesthetic subjects’, such as the traits (self-esteem, sensitivity to appearance, senses, values, attitudes), as well as factors which are based on the differences between different individuals, as well as factors which are based on demographic diversities of gender roles, age, social status, occupation, ethnic and so on. They want to stress the influence that individual experience and social and cultural have on clothing aesthetic appreciation. The deviation of former aesthetic empirical studies lies in the role clothing plays in making clothing a part of people appearance, studying people in all kinds of social circumstances, and in interpersonal communication. Without taking social situation into consideration small part of the researches lack practical significance. I believe that, with the development of global economic, market demand as well as product attribute, aesthetic subject must be taken into consideration in an integrated way when we want to study the mass of clothing aesthetic. However, no clothing aesthetic empirical research combined with commodity factors was conducted. In addition, there is no study about the hidden preferences, in clothing aesthetic, either. Therefore, this study will examine individual aesthetic of clothing under the influence of brand on the basis of previous understandings. In this study, i’m in to dimensions of social factors and the level of consciousness. Gender, professional knowledge, self-esteem and brand factors will be investigated throughout the entire experimental process. To encourage social identity of individual or herd behavior, i plan to choose group pressure (with pressure or without) as the reason which results in induced agreement or herd behavior and set both group score and individual score as two explicit evaluation tasks. It is predicted that individual ratings in group score tasks will be influenced by other group members, which shows relative uniformity. While in individual score tasks, the ratings will rarely the affected. Besides, we have adopted explicit preference rating task and the Implicit Association Task (IAT) to examine the clothing preferences on a different level of consciousness.In conclusion, individual characteristics and social factors influence each other interactively in the process of brand clothing aesthetic. And the effects are reflected in the following aspects:(1) Gender plays a vital role in clothing aesthetic. In this study, the impact of gender on clothing aesthetic preference is mainly reflected in the IAT. Female subjects show more obvious implicit preference for Chanel than male subjects, while in explicit tests, gender impacts is not significant.(2) IAT and group results of the test showed a significant professional knowledge main effect. The professional showed a clear preference for Chanel, but non-professionals didn’t.(3) Tasting types, essentially reflected the influence consciousness exerted on clothing aesthetic. In gender, experimental participations showed implicit preference for Chanel clothing. But in explicit measurement, their preference lies in HM. Moreover, testing types and professional knowledge affect each other. In the IAT, professional test subjects had stronger desires for brand clothing. While in explicit tests, the difference disappeared.(4) In the study, I try to examine the impact group pressure has on clothing aesthetic by group tests and individual tests. Experimental participations prefer Chanel clothing under group pressure; without group pressure, HM. And the differences under these two different situation are quite obvious.(5) The result of this study did not show a significant impact self-esteem has on clothing aesthetic.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand, aesthetic of clothing, preference
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