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Hazard-formative Factors Analysis And CFX Simulation To Mine Lane Way Floods

Posted on:2013-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330374480139Subject:Safety Technology and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heavy casualties and huge economic losses have been caused by mine flooding accident,which has seriously hampered the development of mining enterprises. The severity of mineflooding is inflected by the flow status of mine flooding water. So analyzing the influencingfactors of flooding water and quantifying its extent is one of the important basis for minewater prevention.The causal factors of roadway water gushing process are analyzed from the view ofinternal and external causes. It is found that internal factors such as permeable speed,permeable capacity and way of flooding and external factors such as parameters of tunnelsection, position of flooding and roadway layouts are main influencing factors of flow statusof flooding water. Combined with characteristics of water flow, the permeable models ofsingle roadway and intersectional roadway are built and then simulated based on thecomputational fluid dynamics theory to study influences of parameters of tunnel section,permeable position and initial speed on flow in single roadway and influences of cross angle,permeable speed and flow direction on flow intersectional roadway. The results show thatchanges of cross-section shape of roadway has no effect on the flow; distribution of water andlength of outflowing times and steady times are effected by permeable position; size anddistribution of water flow, length of outflowing times and steady times and size anddistribution of water pressure are determined by initial speed; cross angles have no effect onallocation of water in intersectional roadways, but the outflowing times and steady times arelonger in tunnels with bigger cross angles particularly at low speed; allocation of flow isdirectly influenced by flow direction with much bigger flow in the outlet following streamline.
Keywords/Search Tags:mine flooding, causal factors, numerical simulation, safety management
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