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Study Of Sauerkraut Process Investigation And The Cultural Change In Jingxi Guangxi

Posted on:2013-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330371491126Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sauerkraut is the Nanning dialect, It means sauer or sauer’sthings. It is the flavor snack food of common in Guangdong andGuangxi. It is most famously in Jingxi Guangxi. People love it solong, As early as Northern and Southern Dynasties people haverecord the curing method. The evolution process is people’s live, It isdietetic culture.Earliest sauerkraut curing for reserve vegetables not rotting. Itoffen use salt. With the productivity development and improve theliving standard, people don’t need reserve vegetables, but it isbecome a habit of dietetic. So people continuous improvement ofvarious method for their favorite. Sauerkraut can keep your bodybalance and good for healthy.The article study sauerkraut use the literature and investigationmethod in Jingxi Baise, to understand the traditional process is goodfor the protection of non-material cultures.The first nobody’s article study sauerkraut process investigation;the second the sauerkraut is an important part of the Jingxitraditional cultures. Study the process know the literacy, it mostimportant for the non-material cultures. The third point with theeconomy development, more and more traditional process tosubstitute for industrial production. The sauerkraut withoutexception. Traditional sauerkraut facing the greatly challenge, wehope the sauerkraut of Jingxi develop to “green sauerkraut” inindustrial production.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jingxi, Sauerkraut, Process Investigation, culturalchange
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