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Mechanical Performance Analysis Of Multilayered Drying Section Experimental Device

Posted on:2013-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2231330371487684Subject:Chemical Process Equipment
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recently, higher demand of drying efficiency and economic costusage rise up together with the development of high speed papermachine. In order to meet these requirements, some new concept dryingequipments such as impinging drying technology come out. But thereare still some problems with the cost and also some limitations. Theconcept of Multi-layered dryer section which has fully come into theadvantages of traditional steam drying has obviously minimized thespace need of drying section and with quite good running performance.This has met the requirements of high drying efficiency and economic.Based on Finite Element Analysis(FEA) and the software ANSYS andthrough the analyze of static, dynamic modal, harmonic analysis andrunning test, this paper has analyzed the mechanical performance of themultilayered drying section experimental-device’s frame both intheoretical and experimental. The main analysis works are as below:After analyzed the character of the static loading condition of theframe, the finite element model of the frame is built, then the staticloading response of the frame is analyzed with the static analysismodule of ANSYS. With the result of the maximum stress and maximumdisplacement, it tells that the frame fully meets the requirement ofmechanical precision both in static strength and stiffness.With the dynamic modal analysis of the experimental device’ frameand10subsets modal frequency and contours picked up, the runningperformance of the frame is analyzed using the roll-running frequencyand also the guide roll running frequency as the driving frequencyseparately. It shows that there are big modal frequency differences andalso some focused frequency domains. Within the first5subsets modalfrequency, the vibration is mainly in horizontal and vertical direction. When take the higher driving frequency of the guide roll, the suitablespeed is about232m/min, then the modal response shows that the frameis under good performance.The whole frame and single side frame has been analyzed with theHarmonic analysis module under the frequencies from the zero speedstart up to the design machine speed. This analysis has described theresponse variation under different driving frequency which changesaccording to the machine speed. It provides blue print for the speedtuning of the multi-layered drying section.Using the vibration tester, the running test has been taken underdifferent machine speed. Through the vibration and vibrationacceleration curve of the test points on the experimental-device frame,it shows the vibration responses. The speed-peak curve has been drawnwith the statistics of the peak values of the vibration curves; it showsthe relationship and tendency of the peak value and machine speed.Combined with the analyzed suitable speed of the experimental-device,the optimal speed of the multilayered drying section experimentaldevice is about210m/min. The analytical error is:ε=|v实验-v模态|/v实验×100%=|210-232|/210×100%=10.5%Using finite element software into the preanalyzing and predesignof pulping and papermaking machines is the necessity tendency. Withtheoretical and experimental analysis of the multilayered drying sectionexperimental-device’s frame, this paper has told the feasibility of thisnew drying concept. Through the analyze of static, dynamic modal,harmonic analysis and running test, the static mechanical strength,dynamic strength and running performance of the experimental-devicehas fully meet the mechanical precision of drying machines, and it wasproved by the running test.
Keywords/Search Tags:multilayered drying section experimental device, staticloading FEA, dynamic loading FEA, mechanical performance
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