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Empirical Research Of The Shanxi Province Low-rent Housing System

Posted on:2013-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330374963156Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the initial of the12th Five-year Plan, the residence privilege of the inferior income groupmust be guaranteed to establish and improve the public service system, to practice the scientificdevelopment outlook focused on humanity, and finally to reach the goal of building harmonioussociety. With the whole wealth increasing more slowly than GDP and the housing price soaring inShanxi province, the inferior income group could not afford housing to meet their basic residencedemand. At present, the livelihood issues become one of the focuses of Chinese government, andthe low-rent housing demand and supply system has been fundamentally established in Shanxiprovince since the year2004, which revealed that the securing housing system centered onlow-rent housing and economically affordable housing has been initially established there, tosome extent easing the burden of inferior income group in urban area on the residence. At thesame time, the securing housing system were gradually established in other provinces in accordwith their own characteristics.However, it seems that the coverage and the security quantity are not satisfactory. This thesislisted the deficiencies as follows: Firstly, public fiscal expenditure on the low-rent housing is notabundant. Secondly, personal housing exploration enterprises have not joined in the low-renthousing construction. Thirdly, the supervision system of low-rent housing has not beenestablished yet. Fourthly, the low-rent housing subsidies have not realized dynamic change.Fifthly, the household registration system prevent part of inferior group enjoy the benefits oflow-rent housing.The low-rent housing system must be reformed to improve the housing security system. Thisthesis makes suggestions from the aspects of securing object, securing method, financing systemas well as supervision system. To sum up, this thesis suggests that the low-rent system supplyhouses in accord with the different standards to meet the demand of different people. Meanwhile,effective system of allocation, supervision and management must be established as well to formcomprehensive, dynamic and multi-leveled low-rent housing system.This thesis is generally a discussion and exploration of the low-rent housing systeminnovation and it falls into the following four parts:The first part is an introduction mainly about the purpose for the subject, the study background, the review of study basis home and abroad, as well as the study method and outlineof this thesis.Part two is a theoretical foundation of housing security system, which introduces thetheoretical basis including government intervention theory, income allocation theory, plus equalityand efficiency theory.Empirical analysis is shown in the third part. This part begins with the origin background,developing clue and practical effect of the low-rent housing system of Shanxi province, and thenmakes an evaluation of the effect of Shanxi low-rent housing system, thus derives the necessity ofsystem reformation.A normative analysis is shown in the last part, which is a design for the security object,financing mechanism, security method, as well as supervision and management of Chinesesecuring housing system under the guidance of the system innovation objectives, directions, andits framework.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi Province, the low-rent housing system, gradientdynamic security mechanism, supervision and management
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