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Studies On Construction Of Power Symbols And Artistic Forms In Lahu Kuo Festival Activities

Posted on:2012-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330371965002Subject:Chinese ethnic minority art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Festivals are the important carrier of ethnic culture, the important component of ethnic culture heritage and the important cultural space of ethnic art displaying. Ethnic festival activities are full of the construction of power symbols. Under the influence of different powers symbols and authorities, ethnic festivals occur and ethnic art is displayed. The interaction of different power symbols has an influence on ethnic art: on one hand, traditional ethnic art can be reserved and developed; on the other hand, ethnic art changes, on the basis of protecting traditional ethnic art, the unification of traditional and modern forms of ethnic art is realized through implanting new elements.This paper, through a case investigation of Lahu Kuo in Menghai and Lancang, interprets how ethnic festival activities will be constructed and the influence of power symbols on festival activities from the angle of cultural anthropology, folklore and art theory. In the field of Lahu Kuo festival activities, local government, experts and scholars, owners of native culture, mass media, the culture of other ethnic groups and tourism market promote the construction of Lahu Kuo. As the outside world is becoming similar, power symbols are important cause and strength of ethnic art development. Under the action of different power symbols, ethnic art has the characteristic of times, the unification of tradition and variation. These power symbols play a big role in the construction of Lahu Kuo and promote the construction together, which makes the cultural connotations and artistic forms more adaptable to the change of the society and the age. But in the construction of ethnic festival activities, there is something unsatisfied. We should preserve the ethnic culture traditions and protect the special features of ethnic art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lahu Kuo, Artistic Forms, Power Symbols, Construction, Development
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