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The Study Of Implementation Of DBO In Chinese Infrastructure Construction

Posted on:2012-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B B DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330362954240Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a novel m ode for construction m anagement, Design-Build-Operate (DBO) has already been widely used abroad. Although it was first put into practice in waste water treatment industry in C hina, only insuf ficient academ ic research was carried out. More studies are needed to explore the advantages of DBO to deal with low efficiency in facility operation.The concept of DBO mode is introduced in this thes is, and the m odel of DBO procurement is established for owner and contractor . Changes com pared with the FIDIC new yellow book is analyzed from four aspects such as construction period, operation s ervice, paym ent and r isk and ins urance, the clauses th at can exert incentives and constraints to contractors are also analyzed. T wo case studies are carried out, which are the Y ingkou sewage treatm ent plant and the Y i Xianyuan sewage tre atment plant in T ianjin, on the basis of that, pro blems in th e implementation of DBO projec ts in China are analyzed su ch as the la ck of DBO practice co de, the conflict between DBO mode and the traditional m odel, the avoidance of joint venture of local govern ment and restrictions of DBO projects because of the lack of funding of local government. Then, to solve th ese problems, advices are made with the hope of helping the development of DBO model, such as the perfection of construction code of DB O model, encouraging the inv olvement of joint venture in the DBO projects and efforts to be put to establish the system of DBO municipal bonds. ?...
Keywords/Search Tags:FIDIC conditions of Contract, Construction management mode, DBO Mode
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