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A Study On Exploration And Utilization Of Toona Sinensis Resources

Posted on:2012-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2219330344451570Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this study, the Defarming-and-reafforestation Project implemented in Fengxiang county was investigated.By referencing to existing materials,visiting and investigating on the spot, fixed-point observation and statistical analysis,the efficacy of the Defarming-and-reafforestation in Fengxiang county and the development of its subsequent industry were evaluated and summarized comprehensively and deeply, the results are as follows:(1)The region implemented the Defarming-and-reafforestation Project is primarily distributed in the northern shallow mountain area of Fengxiang county,and currently the defarming area has amounted to 82000 mu,among which defarming lands above 25 degrees accounts for 50%,15-25 degrees for 44% and 15 degrees below for 6%.There is an immense potential in farmland restoration since 128000 mu slope land remain to be restored to forestry accross the county.(2)Through the implementation of forest rehabilitation from arable lands,the ecological environment of Fengxiang county has been improved strikingly,among which forest coverage rate was increased by 6.5% ,from 18.9% to 25.4% between 2000 and 2010;Annual precipitation net increased 55 mm from 595mm to 650mm;wildlife species incresed and pronounced decrease in frequency of severe weather.(3)the implementation of forest rehabilitation from arable lands promotes the adjustment of agriculture industry pattern and its subsequent industry development.Newly increased economic forestry amounts to 12800 mu accross the county,newly increased 101 livestock farming communities,newly increased livestock amounts to 6909.The production of economic forestry and the revenue of livestock husbandry account for a markedly increasing proportion in farmer's total revenue;Meanwhile,this project facilitates the migration of rural surplus labor,leading to an increase in migrant workers and workers engaged in the tertiary industry and remuneration from work and other sources accounting for the farmer's revenue have increased from 26% to 8.1%.(4)Contemporarily, the Defarming-and-reafforestation Project has achieved remarkable effect.How to promote the sound development of the follow-up industry of Defarming-and-reafforestation throuth management improvement, intensive technical training,giving more support to downstream industry on the basis of summing up experience and scientific planning hinges on whether the fruit of the Defarming-and-reafforestation can be consolidated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Defarming-and-reafforestation, industrialization of forestry, subsequent development, countermeasures study
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