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Research And Implementation Of Employment Information Management System

Posted on:2012-10-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2218330335975985Subject:Computer application technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the number of college graduates increasing in recent years, the employment of college graduates has become related to the national economy and social focus. With increasingly fierce competition for jobs, especially teachers, the implementation of the examination system makes the preparation of normal university graduates more difficult. The state has increased efforts to promote the process of university employment information, employment services and job management through the integration of network technology to improve the university employment service management efficiency, improve college employment of college students in the organizational structure, business processes and working methods, employers and the community to provide beyond time, space and some of the limitations of separate high-quality, standardized and transparent management and services.Firstly, a general overview of the characteristics of the current university employment, describes the development of the national state university employment information, employment information with the construction of our school status, employment information on the management of our system, serious study and implementation; briefly introduced Dreamweaver MX, Access database, HTML, ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, SQL language; Information needs and feedback based on the work status of other proposed framework for the overall design of the system; used my provincial employment guide employment database fields specified by the standard design database, and process the modules were designed according to the various functional modules; Finally, the system tests to demonstrate that the proposed design is feasible, the entire system all the functions properly. Function of the system design based on modular design principles, follows the process of employment of our school to make the system more timely, practical, targeted and personalized .After system design has been completed, graduates achieve information collection, audit, review the employer information, recruitment information dissemination, heterogeneous network platform of employment under the guidance and background management. Improvement and making good use of this system will promote our school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Informatization Management System, Personalized Recommendation, Networks Platform, Data Visualization
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