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Study On The Optimization Of Shan Xi Vocational Colleges Curriculum System

Posted on:2013-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330374963248Subject:Education Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of Shanxi's economy and industrial structure changes, Enterprise isvery urgent to demand for highly skilled personnel, Vocational colleges in Shanxi Province, toworry about employment rate of students. The demand for highly skilled personnel and personnel training of vocational colleges in Shanxi Province have greatly deviation. In response to this deviation,this paper attempts to optimization studies curriculum system of vocational colleges inShanxi Province, To solve this problem.According to the curriculum implementation process, curriculum system division set the course objectives, course structure and content settings, curriculum implementation,curriculum assessment and course evaluation in five parts. Analysis of the status of the curriculum system of vocational colleges in Shanxi Province, this paper is based on the five parts to complete. Set the status of the course objectives, I access the data files of the vocational colleges in Shan xiProvince to study. For the implementation of the curriculum, course evaluation of the statusquo, author interviews, primarily through teaching administrative staff, teachers and student representatives of six vocational colleges in Shanxi Province to carry out. Course content andstructure of the set, the status of the course evaluation questionnaire to complete,500questionnaires were issued to six vocational colleges in Shanxi Province,which paid100copies freshmen, sophomore junior gradepaid200,440valid questionnaires, the effective rate of88%. On this basis, through inductive analysis of schools data files, organize and surveyinformation on the interview results the results of the statistical analysis found thatvocational colleges in Shanxi Province curriculum system of curriculum goals set vague and course structure contentunreasonable, curriculum implementation and the lack ofoverall course assessment means a single course evaluation mechanism is not perfect,through the analysis of the above problems, to understand the reasons for the above problems is inconsistent with the needs of the community: school culture, Shanxi Provincehighvocational schools, historical issues, funding issues and the internal supervisionand management, and teacher team building is lagging behind. Problems and reasons forvocational colleges in Shanxi Province curriculum system, this article on the basis offoreign advanced vocational colleges curriculum system construction model, Proposed countermeasures optimizatio n of Shanxi Vocational Curriculums: the first is theoptimization of the external conditions of the course system, including increasing the intensity of school-enterprise cooperation, increase the intensity of inter-school cooperation, increase the intensity of the characteristics of school, and increase theteaching aids andfacilities input; followed by optimization of the curriculum system,including an emphasis on rationality and global set of curriculum goals, course structure and contentof the set of modular and specialized, enhanced curriculum organization and implementation of rich and innovative,increase the diversity and openness of thecurriculum assessment and evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanxi Vocational Colleges, Curriculum system, The curriculum, Curriculum implementation
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