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College Graduate In China Innovative Educational Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2012-10-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330371451446Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Postgraduate education as a higher level of educational structure in China, it takes the responsibility of cultivating and fostering high-level innovation talents. Postgraduates as the main reserve force in future national innovation system, their ability of innovation not only directly affect the innovative level of knowledge and research in colleges and universities, but also relate to our country's future strength of innovation. Strengthen and improve postgraduates'innovative education is both the objective requirement of modern higher education and the inevitable trend of social and economic development.Because of the influence on traditional social culture, educational concept and the Current System, postgraduates'innovative education hasn't had a breakthrough in China. At the same time, the lack of postgraduates'innovative training can't meet the social demand for innovative talents. Based on the empirical study of postgraduates'innovative education of colleges and universities in Qingdao, the thesis analyzed the status of our postgraduates'innovative education and discussed the factors in society, university and postgraduate.As the main base, colleges and universities should be combined with our actual conditions and the status of implementation of innovative education through referring to successful experience of developed countries, so that they can offer a broader space for postgraduates'innovative education. Through the survey and analysis, the main countermeasures that should be adopted that:①Transform the educational thoughts and carry out a creative education concept;②Adjust the existing postgraduate training and management system;③Improve postgraduate diversity of training system;④Create postgraduate innovative educational environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postgraduates, Innovative education, Influencing factors, Countermeasures
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