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The Primary Research Of The "Cooperative Learning" Teaching Mode In History Junior Middle School With The New Curriculum

Posted on:2012-04-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H BaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the new curriculum reform deepening background, "cooperative learning" has become China's in schools actively advocated and pushing the main way of learning. How to organize the student to carry out the "cooperative learning",improve changing the way of teaching, is the primary and secondaryschool education teaching field of a hot topic and significant research subject.Through this topic research, the author expounds the difference between the old and new curriculum and under new curriculum in the teaching of junior high school history, this paper introduces the meaning of "cooperative learning" in junior high school and new course in history of "cooperative learning" teaching the necessity, and expounds "cooperative learning" teaching significance. Based on the author's history class teaching practice and the teaching experience, the paper teaching "cooperative learning" main steps and characteristics, and to explore the "cooperative learning" teaching mode of several application forms. The "cooperative learning" mode of teaching evaluation, and summarizes the "cooperative learning" in junior high school history teaching practice the superiority, exist some problems and the solutions of the problems. Through the study, the author tries to explore the suitable to the modern education "cooperative learning" teaching mode, try to grasp the junior high school history development "cooperative learning" teaching methods, change the student learning concept of old, and make students form the cooperation and exchange consciousness and the ability, and improve the students' learning interest and confidence of the history, to improve the students' academic performance history, improve the students' peer relationship, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school history, new course, "cooperative learning"
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