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Prototype Category Theory In The Application Of Polysemant Teaching

Posted on:2012-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J YiFull Text:PDF
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Polysemy refers as a word contains two or more meanings, which is the common phenomenon in natural language. Research and teaching application about polysemy has been attracted people's attention. But there still some difficult in application for teaching with polysemy. Confined to the traditional teaching concepts and methods in teaching practice and more meaning, the relationship between justice has not been widespread attention, and even be completely ignored. Students just have recourse to rote for the acquisition of semantic ambiguity. This is a time-consuming way, and make students feel tired. Therefore, to find a more effective approach in polysemy research is necessary. Prototype category theory is a member of unequal status; members of the familyresemblance between the show; area boundaries are blurred; areas can not be a necessary and sufficient conditions to define. One prototype is the most basic and the most typical member of the family resemblance, the other members are based on the construction of the prototype, the central member and the edge members are linked. Polysemy and prototype theory has a certain relationship that: Polysemy is the basic meaning of the equivalent of Prototype Theory and prototype meaning of ambiguous semantic field is equivalent to Prototype Theory of Semantic network, multi-meaning word meaning, the relationship between the equivalent prototype theory of family resemblance . Prototype Theory and the polysemy of teaching also has some relationship: to promote the polysemy in the Teaching of polysemy phenomenon in-depth understanding, and promote reading in the Teaching of polysemy accurate understanding, and promote teaching of writing in Polysemy effective choice. At the same time, we use Prototype theory polysemy teaching, and it must follow the following principles: strengthening the relationship between multi-item semantic meaning of the attention, to enhance understanding of the basic meanings and metaphors to enhance understanding of cognitive model of metonymy.With the results of polysemy survey inteaching we found that the deficiency of theoretical level of teachers, without enough attention for the polysemy, teachers in reading instruction, very few with semantic knowledge to explain, in the teaching of writing, very few extended to explain polysemy other meanings; students do not pay attention to reading, the use of rote memory approach to the various polysemy meanings, is not conducive to use.To junior middle school students as subjects in the prototype category theory under the guidance of polysemy teaching experiment, the full show: The Prototype Theory as the guide of the polysemy of teaching will help fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students, enhance student acquisition of polysemous vocabulary and language skills bring good learning results.The above theory and practice, by the following revelation: the polysemy teaching should pay attention to attention to students polysemy learning prototype awareness, attention to polysemy between the semantic links of teaching, attention to ambiguous meaning items between the metaphor and metonymy in the way of teaching.Paper consists of five parts. Chapter 1 is an introduction. In the analysis of progress, based on the ideas, proposed by this study and research significance. Chapter 2 is the Prototype Theory and the Teaching of polysemy. Prototype category theory Analysis, described polysemy and the resulting means that the current language polysemy teaching status and role of proposed Prototype Theory and polysemy and teaching relationship, and proposed the theory polysemy teaching may be applied principles. Chapter 3 is about the middle school teaching language polysemy Survey. The survey results are analyzed and discussed. Chapter 4, under the guidance of the Prototype Theory is a junior high school language polysemous teaching. Chapter 5 is more theoretical and experimental, based on the prototype theory proposed language for teaching polysemy some inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:polysemy teaching, Prototype Theory, application
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