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On The Spiritual Development Of College Students Under Modern Horizon

Posted on:2012-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2217330335465502Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a powerful presence, modernity takes the impact on people everywhere, not excluding its effect for the college students. The development of college students is in all domains, including spiritual development, as the great power for the development of college students, which has become a concern point. Based on the concept of modernity, this paper try to find the path to promote the measures of students' spiritual development, by the Analysis of modern spiritual development to college students and the status of college students' spiritual development. This article is divided four parts, its primary coverage is as follows:Firstly, through a comprehensive sort of modern medium and taping the category of modernity and its ethical value of the fundamental aspects, it shows the essence of the Modern Perspective and actively explore the Modern Perspective on the spiritual development of college students, then we must clear that the spiritual development the college students is being affected by the perspective of modernity from pre-modern multi-dimensional, which determines the width that the spiritual development of students can achieve and how to make the smooth progress of spiritual development of students under the perspective of modernity. The integrated impact of modernity on the students indicates that modernity is not opposed to the existence of spiritual development; it also provides the double opportunities for the college students'spiritual development.Secondly, it is about a basic overview of spiritual development on the college students. The spiritual development of college students is under the tension of their needs and requirements, lack of compensation and the tension, and goals and hope, trying to achieve its development of a unified three-dimensional development, that is internal balance and external balance of unity, regularity and purpose of the Unity and the recent and long-term nature of the unity. The spiritual development of students in the Modern Perspective presents a variety of trends, but the spirit of development mainly revolves around two aspects, pointing to himself and to others and social development. These constitute a fundamental aspect of the college students'spiritual development, affecting the spiritual development of students of varying degrees. Thirdly,it is on the spiritual development of students and the related reasons for this. Focused on current situation about the spirit of development college students under Modern Horizon, we can get a glimpse of them, such as aesthetic vulgarization, there are series of casual errors on college students interest in life, and college students show their own moral self-cultivation deviation to their action, the spirit of volunteerism tends to be utilitarian and there is different levels of belief crisis and other issues among college students; further exploring the reasons for these uncoordinated phenomenon about the spiritual development of college students, it is easy to see the reason is mainly due to the expansion of modernity impact of negative factors, and the narrow and unitary path to foster their spiritual development.Fourthly, after facing the reason of spiritual development of college students, we need to actively explore the important measures to match the adaptation for modernity opportunity, families, schools, mass media and other social environment, and the students themselves need to play a linkage and coordination role, take a correct understanding of modernity Negative factors, make changes in the cultivation of spiritual development of students, innovative the path and field of spiritual development continuously, so as to continuously push the spiritual development of college students forward with comprehensive and sustained step.
Keywords/Search Tags:modernity, college students, spiritual development
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