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The Essence Of Marxism

Posted on:2012-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330368981510Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For'What is Marxism', there has always been considerable academic debate, which reflects from one side that the importance of the problem itself, and also means understanding Marxism completely and accurately is still a theoretical task with huge reflective space. There is no doubt that Marxism has a series of basic features, such as:Marxism is scientific worldview and methodology which the unity of science and revolution on the base of practice, having a distinct political position and lofty social ideals. Marxism is a scientific theory of the times, practical, open and developmental. Marxism is a thorough, scientific system, and its themes, the main line and the main structure are highly consistent. These features all demonstrate that Marxism is a unity with Unified nature, integrity is inherent properties of Marxism. In this regard, only stress the integrity, can grasp the essence of Marxism correctly, and reach the dialectical unity of persistence and development.General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in the important thought of the Three Represents theoretical symposiums on speech:'the most fundamental thing is the Marxist world outlook and methodology, the most important thing is theoretical quality, the most sublime thing is social ideal, the most lucidity thing is political position'. To a certain point of view, the requirements of four most, must also be based on grasping the integrity of the scientific system. Only then can we ensure the Marxist character of theoretical and practical innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marxism philosophy, essence, integrity, socialist practice
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