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Association Of Legal Regulation

Posted on:2012-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330341951333Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Industry Association is a non-profit organization, which is composed of a single industry competitors, to establish the purpose of seeking common interests of all member companies, mainly in the industrial and commercial areas to develop. Subject of this article was written legal regulation of trade associations, first discusses the basic theory of trade associations and industry associations of the definition, functions, legal status and legal nature of the industry association made a brief introduction. The second part is to analyze the associations of industry, the need for legal regulation. The third part is the principal trade association qualified legal aspects of the legal system, because it is the trade association of legal regulation of the premise. The fourth part of the content is the Government's trade association's regulatory regime. The last part of the content is relevant trade associations and Legal Regulation. Details are as follows:The first chapter is the trade association of the basic theoretical issues, in this section, divided into seven sections. Section I is the trade association the origin in the West, the West, including reasons for the formation of autonomy traditional market economics, the concept of government as well as traditional humanistic spirit. Section II is the development of industry associations in China, the main trade association of the factors in the lack of independence of our country, and then discusses the classification of industry associations, including direct government-run industry association, semi-official nature of the industry associations and private industry associations . The third section is the definition of the relevant industry associations, that is, first and foremost a trade association non-profit organization, the organization is composed of a single industry competitors, to establish the purpose of seeking the common interests of all member companies. Section IV is the trade association of the legal nature of the problem, defined as the trade association of the corporate social groups. Section V is the trade association's legal status, the paper is discussed from the perspective of administrative law, positioning it as the administrative body. Section VI is the trade association functions.The second chapter is the trade association for the necessity of legal regulation analysis. Characteristics of power, industry associations and organizations their own characteristics the defect three reasons allows us to strengthen the legal regulation of trade associations. This chapter is the principal trade association for the following qualified legal system, government regulation of industry associations and the Association of Legal Regulation of the industry make good bedding.The third chapter is about the legal system of qualification of industry associations. This chapter consists of three parts, the first section of the main content is the trade association qualified to obtain legal aspects, the contents of section II on the trade association of the legislative requirements and the qualification problem is the content of the third quarter of the industry Association, the Legal System of the qualification, the views put forward three, first to make primary legislation Association of China lags behind the situation should be resolved as soon as possible, and second, the principal trade association after the legislation has been improved, and its legal entity status should be clear, Most important thing is to finalize the status of autonomy and the third is through trade associations to strengthen self-construction of the status of legitimacy.Chapter IV is the government's regulatory system of trade associations and legal remedies. In the third chapter, the main government discussed the need for regulation of the industry associations and government regulatory system for trade associations, government trade association of the regulatory system, including government legislation on the regulation of industry associations, government trade association of specific administration, on the Government Management of the industry associations and industry associations of administrative law. Finally discussed is the government regulation of industry associations and legal help.The fifth chapter is the trade association behavior of legal regulation. In the fourth chapter in, including a summary of the behavior of several key indust...
Keywords/Search Tags:industry associations, legal regulation
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