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The Organization And Command Of Dealing With Contingencies Of Social Safety

Posted on:2012-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P XuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, China is entrying into social transformation. Frequency of sudden social security incidents is not only an important characteristics in domestic and international community, but also remarkable characteristics to the social transformation of China. Now, China faces many threats and challenges of social risk.On the domestic case, China is a vast, multi-ethnic, multi-faith country, filled with various social contradictions society. From the international point of view, the "peace and development " is the theme of the world, but "terrorism " , "separatism", "extremism" are still threatening the world peace and stability. How to deal with the unexpeted social security events fastly and wonderfully is related to China's harmonious development.In this paper, for the disposal of the public security organs to organize textual perspective, strive to establish a disposal of the public security organs in response to the principal. Government will lead all the organization to deal with the incident if necessary and other relevant departments to meet the response mechanism. At this stage, we need to build scientific social security incident emergency system,which should include preventiving, early warning, disposal mechanism system. It will give full play to the public security organs in the event handling in the main role, to meet ever-frequent events, to ensure social harmony and stability .Besides citation and epilogue, the conclusion is divided into five parts. From the concept of social security contingencies, the first part of the event analyzes security incidents of sudden social connotation and denotation and on this basis, this article strikes to make the classification of sudden social security incidents. Then the article describes its characteristics, and making a high degree of public security organs in general dealing with sudden social security incidents should be followed, trying to build emergency theoretical framework of social security incidents. The second part, I refer to "Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China ",and try to propose disposal that public security organs is the major power. People's governments will be at various levels when necessary, and the other relevant departments help each other to cope the incidents. The last three parts, the article focuses on the public security organs'organization and command in dealing with the incidents. That is to say, the whole process should include prevention stage,disposal stage and later disposal stage. In this process, the public security organs'focus is early-warning mechanism, establishment and improvement of relevant plans, and disposal taking all appropriate ways and means. Epilogue, a brief summary of the text, and put forward the theory and practice in the future of social security in the event of sudden disposal of some groundbreaking proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:sudden social security events, Public security organs, Coping mechanisms, Organization and command
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