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The Study Of The Regulation Of China's Internet Civil Society

Posted on:2012-11-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D B HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338956420Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of China's economy and political system, the independence of China's civil society was more and more obviously, as well as the social responsibility and the citizenship had been inspired and improved substantially. Based on the extensive use of information technology, as the most efficient and convenient medium, Internet provides a new way and definition to human's life. The connection and communication between people are turning from the real society to the virtual space, while the concept of public space of human's life has been extended and developed into the information time. People can obtain more complete information on social public events, because of the advantage of technologies and the convenience of accessing information from Internet. Thus, the attention and participation of human to the social issues has been improved gradually. As a form of medium, the Internet provides a more loose and comfortable locale for the emergence of public opinion. All of this promotes the emergence of China's Internet civil society and the development of the necessary social infrastructure and economic conditions.As the Internet technology itself has all the characteristics of the network of civil society to civil society in promoting the development of active and constructive role, but also precisely because of the new characteristics of the network and the current of their economic and social environment, making the network Development of civil society by a number of factors, the analysis of their limitations and to work abroad Experience in network monitoring, proposed regulatory measures suitable for China's proposals to the network for the promotion of healthy development of civil society has an important Effect.This thesis is divided into six parts:Part I:Thesis presented the background and significance; study of civil society at home and abroad of the network status; clear idea of this study, methods, main content; analysis of writing difficulties and Focus; finally pointed out the lack of innovation of this article. PartⅡ:Through the research of the concepts of civil society and Internet civil society, analyzed the status of development of China's civil society, and the background of the emergence of Internet civil society.Part III:In this part, it mainly analysis the positive significance of the Internet civil society, as well as the constructive effect that the Internet civil society generated as the characteristics of the Internet itself.PartⅣ:Through the study of the constraints factors of the Internet civil society that in the development of China's civil society, it summed up the limitations of the reason for the development of Internet civil society.PartⅤ:The contemporary world by drawing on the network monitoring key measures of civil society, and thus the Internet civil society in our regulatory policy put forward constructive ideas.Part VI:Summary of network active role of civil society and the constraints of factors, and how to strengthen regulatory measures, thus contributing to better our Internet civil society development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil society, Internet Civil Society, the Public Domain, Regulation Policy
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