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Study The Problems Of Petition Work In Taihu County And Its Solutions

Posted on:2012-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338470481Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Communist Party of China and the government has been regarded as petition work an important task. For a long time, Resolve the contradictions in society, maintain social stability, the implementation of the right to monitor, understand the society and public opinion, facilitate decision-making more scientific and reasonable to raise the level of those in power the ruling, the ruling party to consolidate and maintain the status etc, the petition work have played a very important role. With the continuous development of China's market economy, The status and role of petition work has become increasingly important. However, we see the petition work in the achievements, but also should see the petition work has difficulties and problems. As China's social transformation and the continuous adjustment of the pattern of interests, petition work in many new situations and new difficulties, new problems, such as letters of a substantial increase in the diversification of letters, letters complicate matters, collective petitions, petitioners leapfrog phenomenon frequent and so on. At the same time, a single means of letters and visits, letters and control agencies and the staff petition and the ability to resolve conflicts is not strong petition, the petition cases exist in the process is difficult assignments, coordination difficult, difficult issues such as accountability, because these issues have not been Well resolved, resulting in letters not fully play the role of the work. Faced with this dilemma, how to reform and improve the petition work, the petition work out of the current difficulties and continually adapt to the needs of new situation and tasks of China, party committees and governments at all levels, especially for letters and visits departments face a major and urgent task. Grass-roots political organization of the county-level government organizations. Meanwhile, the county government organizations have also gathered a variety of contradictions. Processing mechanism in accordance with our letters, letters to solve the problem at the grassroots level, so it is important grass-roots petition work. Through the past year in Taihu County, the work involved in receiving letters and visits, Follow the finding problems, analysis and problem-solving mentality, From the complaint team construction,complaint funds,disputes telecontrol channel,leadership to the attention of the complaint,and the complaint assessment mechanism, In this complaint Taihu county existing problems and trouble, And on the basis of the analysis of the causes, reference the complaint from the developed countries, and then puts forward some countermeasures to improve the complaint of Taihu county.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taihu County, Petition work, Petition system
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