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The Memory Will Never Fade Away

Posted on:2013-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374461934Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the war of resistance against Japan, the Communist Party of China founded a University which name is Chinese Women's College. In Comrade Mao Zedong's proposal, then approved by the CPC Central Committee, it was finally Established. Her running time is short, just from1939July to August1941, but has an important historical position. She has trained more than one thousand women cadres who are Outstandings.They have made the tremendous contribution for the war of resistance against Japan, the founding of new country. This school plays an important role in The women's liberation process,so it becomes a model of women's higher education.It will be recorded in Chinese modern education history finally. That is why we should pay close attention and study.This Article uses oral history as the main research method, supplemented by literature research method.During the prosess of study, we interview fifteen female graduate students, recode the detaile of their experices of study, work and daily life,trying to representation students real life as possiable as we can. The full text with eyewitness memory and narrative as the main line,combine the archival documents, Attempt to save valuable first-hand information for historical research.The dissertation is divided into five parts:The first chapter is introduction, include research background, research significance, and research design. The research results also have been systematically.The second chapter mainly introduced the establishment process of Chinese Women's College. In order to adapt to the needs of the war of resistance, although Yanan was extremely difficult, The leadership of the CPC Central Committee try their best to donate money and items.They also Mobilizationed all sectors of society to build the female school. The aim of school attracted female youth that around the whole country. These girls have throughed all the hardships and finally got to Yanan. After a grand opening ceremony,they began new life. In1941, the domestic situation in Yanan became bad, financial was in truble. leaders decided to streamline our organizations and amalgamated universities, so female school was incorporated into Yan'an University, ending her independed life. The third chapter is about campus life. According to the librarians'varies experience, Female school teach students in accordance with their aptitude. In the teaching, she always uphold the principle of culture women cadres", implementation of the militarization of management, pay attention to the education of situation and policy, carry out a variety of activities. Although the hard condition, students with a passion for life, they use song to express feelings, also find their own life companion in the journey of revolutionary. Now, looking back on the life that more than70years ago,, many people still feel excited.The last chapter is conclusion part. After summarizes its historical status, I found that Chinese Women's College has made great contribution to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Women's Liberation and modernization of women's higher education.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Anti-Japanese War, Chinese Women's College, Oral history, women'seducation
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