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There Are Differences With The Transformation Of The Earth,

Posted on:2013-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374459385Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
By the description of dolls, animals, human and angels, Duino Elegies reveals the existence of human beings which are "unreliable". Faced with the silence of infinite space and time, how mankind dwelling on earth reliably is the main theme of the elegies. The difference of existences are aroused from the awareness, dolls and angels represent the two extremes, that is, unconsciousness and infinite consciousness, while people are between these two. Rilke references Kleist's theory of consciousness that beings on the extreme of consciousness possess un-dissipated essence, and they exist in the eternity, while mankind and animals are insecure beings, vanishing constantly. As the one who vanish first, mankind adventure in the Being more than all the beings, so they can recognize the higher reality through the angels. Therefore, mankind should take up the mission to transform the earth, transform all visible things into the invisible heart, and confront the areas of Open, entry the''beings as a whole" Transformation of the earth request the transformer affirming, praising the here-being including death, put all the alien things into himself. Only by so doing, the transformation of the earth is the action of here-being, the promotion and transcendence based on the earth.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doll, Angel, Beings as a whole, Open, Transformation
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