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Ideological Content Of The International Association Newspaper Supplement, To 1937 In 1934

Posted on:2013-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D SuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the most influential northeast private newspapers in the1920s and1930s,International Collaborative Dailys had played a pivotal roles in modern history ofnortheast newspapers.When northeast China falled into the puppet Manchuria regime,the supplement concerned about the people's livelihood and took with fighting spirit.This paper focuses on the supplement text of1934-1937analysis,based on the agendasetting of content and thought, expression characteristics and other aspects, combineswith the theories of Journalism and communication and history, on factors related tocollect data, based on the analysis of classification and conclusion: there was strongconfrontation with authoritarian rulers the same news on thought and content ofInternational Collaborative Dailys supplement.It reflects people in the northeast generalresistant attitudes of the puppet Manchuria.The information on the history of northeastnewspaper and resistance against Japan research provides some enlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:the supplement of International Collaborative Dailys, society of unable tosurvive, anti-Manchu and resistance against Japan, interaction
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