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On The Calvino "Invisible City " For The Urban Thinking

Posted on:2012-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374453712Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Italian writer Italo Calvino can be said of the most prestigious and most influential writers. Who, with his careful thought and odd deceitful imagination, profound ability and insight on the novels continue to carry out the innovation, and always pursuing the ever-changing style and form of the novel. Calvino's works in his prolific writing the novel practice of unlimited possibilities. Meanwhile, as a studied early agriculture, participated in the war, passion over politics, travel between the U.S. and Europe through intellectual, Calvino is a rather concerned about human survival, care and social development of the aspiring authors. Experience of suffering - Perception of life - think of human nature - the rescue from the predicament of mankind, such feelings and aspirations of many in the works of Calvino are reflected. Throughout his work filled with the playful, relaxed, imagination and fantasy, plus the ever-changing form, becoming a major bargaining chip to attract readers; but the light inside the text writers conceal feelings of concern for the fate that can not help but let the reader return to precipitate tempting reverie by the fictional works of the care to the immediate survival of the world. "Invisible Cities," this novel is such a work. Readers first read this novel, like watching a montage of the movie: fifty-five imaginary city sometimes interrupted, sometimes re-representation, combined with Mark ? Polo and Kublai Khan kept the debate and cross-examination, the reader like into the absurd and full of a strange around the city maze. With globalization, the survival of people in reality the world is becoming consistency, people will not like the poet Rimbaud as calling for "Life is Elsewhere", but to understand the "living in an" in sadness and helplessness. Calvino tries to lead people to come near a real city, that the ultimate problems of life, struggling to survive in the modern people pointed out a clear roadThis total is divided into five sections: Introduction Calvino is himself, at home and abroad, and Research Calvino "Invisible Cities" study to make the overall situation and the system's introduction; first chapter discusses the City and Memory problems. From the personal experiences of writers in the city and the city of two novel perspective, unfortunately, show the true face of the city: the destruction of the continuity of urban development, and people living in them and a general lack of collective memory, just keep the material and desire in love satisfied; second chapter to further explore the reasons for the city caused by misfortune: the accumulation of symbols, forms a recognition of the lack of features, so narrowing the differences between cities, which people on the city's awareness into a numb and helpless; The third chapter is Unfortunately, the city investigated the survival of the state of human consciousness and death. That measure the quality of human existence lies not only in material terms, is more important is the pursuit of spiritual and interpersonal communication and understanding. The invasion of modern consumerism, making the plight of people caught in the alienation become addicted. In the waiting and thinking of death, people have a clear understanding of the essential meaning of survival: to shape their own cities and shape each other. Realize their own value in shaping their own living environment, and actively with the environment, the process of integration achieved. Conclusion part, the two urban development pattern: utopian city and hell-like city. The latter is similar to that we now live in the city, she apparently has lost vitality. Then the former is not only the utopian city of paradise described by Tao as the ideal state, but is that the construction and improvement through people, will eventually appear in the future, a better city.
Keywords/Search Tags:Calvino, Invisible, Cities memory symbol
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