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The Collation And Annotation Of Yuqizhujianlou Cungao

Posted on:2012-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330371958129Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Meichengdong is the leader of Jinmen poetic circles in Jiaqing and Daoguang years. He and Cuixu are regarded as "two talents in Yannan". Cuixu, Yaoyuanzhi and him are all taught by Zhangwentao, who are called as "Zhangmen's three gifted youths". He is also considered as one of "Tianjin's eight masters". Meichengdong has lots of books throughout his life and his poems were once widely read by scholars. Yuqizhujianlou Cungao, his collection of poems, includes more than one thousand poems. The study on Yuqizhujianlou cungao is helpful for completely grasping Meichengdong's poem contents and style features and furtherly understanding Tianjin's literature situation in Jiaqing and Daoguang years. Besides, the study also plays a great part in prompting the research of Tianjin's local culture and the cohort study of Tianjin's history.The thesis separates in two parts:preface and collation and annotation. The preface gives a relatively discussion about Meichengdong's lifetime and writing books, his poems'themes, contents and characteristic features. Besides, it also illustrates Meichengdong's status and influence. The part of collation and annotation employs six volumes edition of Yuqizhujianloucungao printed by Tianjin Chronicle Press as the original manuscript and four volumes edition of Yuqizhujianloucungao and Shujunshichao printed in Daoguang twelve years as the later edition, then compiles into seven volumes again. Moreover, the part also collates the similarities and differences of various editions and annotates his poems'literary quotation, history and difficult words and sentences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meichengdong, yuqizhujianlou cungao, collation and annotation, two talents in yannan, Jinmen poetic circles
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