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The Study Of Guan And Guanshi In The Eastern Zhou Dynasty

Posted on:2012-11-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J K ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368991813Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis makes a Preliminary but Comprehensive study on Guan and Guanshi in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The Guan of Eastern Zhou Dynasty had the political, economic, military, and other functions Gradually, which is worthy of an intensive study. However, the research on a Guan of Eastern Zhou Dynasty in the academic field of the current is still relatively weak. The thesis mainly makes use of the philology interpretation about"Guan",the origin and development about"Guan",the Functions about"Guan",the administration about"Guan"and the origin about"Guanshi",the collection about"Guanshi",the Functions about"Guanshi"etc. To have a overall assurance to the development of Guan and Guanshi in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and have a deep intuitive understanding on the social run of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the thesis makes full use of Xiyinfengni,Bronze inscriptions and bamboo manuscripts.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Guan, Guanshi
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