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Zeng Guofan Legal Thinking

Posted on:2012-05-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368494491Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zeng Guofan is a controversial figure that Evaluation of his descendants is also mixed. Some of its reputation was demoted as the "Zhong Xing Ming Chen"; was demoted as a "traitor". But Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong are quite appreciated the figure of Zeng guofan . Therefore, Therefore, we need to conduct investigations Zeng Guofan on the historical conditions. Reading his works can be seen in all aspects of its rich academic thought, which also has many good ideas to be worth learning from, there are dross to think that we think.Zeng Guofan is living in a time of the downturn, weak country poor people, the regime crisis-ridden era, the face of this social situation that many scholars have formed a government with the idea of statecraft at that time, Zeng, too, and became a reader's representative by the world governing sent. The legal thought of Zeng Guofan is an important part of thinking of his statecraft.He believes that the use of law to govern the country is to ensure that the needs of Reiji and advocates combination of law and Reiji. Under the premise of "one Ping-Li", Zeng Guofan proposed a "draconian" to approach to achieve the purpose of management officials,of management people, of management Litigation. Through the way of combination of law and Reiji, the rule of law based, we can obtain Jen realized governance. The world this will be a "benevolent".The legal thought aspects of Zeng Guofan involved in more extensive, during his True Governor Li, he published articles of Zhi li Qing Song Shi Yi Shi Tiao and Zhi li Qing Song Xian Qi Gong Guo Zhang Chengt to solve the phenomenon of excessive litigation before; In the fall of Nanjing, he forces down the price of silver and fiscal consolidation; reduces business taxes, stops collecting liJin; sets up the bureau of aftermath, deals with the aftermath, announced the notice of Jin Ling house to protect private property to restore Nanjing economy; during the office of two-Jiang have taken measures to Investigate smuggling of salt to recovery YanYinDi, and Salt rectification , governance salt smuggling, to increase the clearance of the salt tax revenue; his militia to create Army, through reform of the military system so that Xiang Army was a main force fighting the Taiping Army, which is a careful for people army ,loyalty army.He runs the army through training thinking, to strengthen the military from training skill and eventually to achieve victory with the Taiping army;In the condition that the weak state has no diplomatic, he bought guns and cannons, started the founder of Anqing Jun armed, set up to send students abroad, founded the Translation House, founded the military enterprise, began to study advanced technology of Western, established national industries, Which also became a pioneer founder of the Westernization Movement.Throughout ZengGuofan's life, he always work towards maintaining the feudal autocratic rule to clear as the fundamental starting point, which he was born in a small feudal landlord class, subject to the social background conditions. His life practiced statecraft, from the social reality, to solve some practical problems facing society. This article aims to exposure to the prevailing historical conditions, examine the content of its legal thought in order to understand the real thinking of Zeng Guofan, and to give him a fair and objective evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zeng Guofan, Legal, Thought study
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