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The Research Of Vandana Shiva's Development Ethics

Posted on:2012-10-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368484779Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the influence of traditional Western concept and mode of development, more and more countries attempt to follow the development model and path of developed countries. Thus a worldwide popular development strategy came up, through which people believe they can live the "good life" as the developed countries. However some wise men pointed out that the traditional western development model brought human beings not only wealth of material and rapid economic growth, but also damage to human beings and their living environment that cannot be avoided. Therefore our living environment become terrible day after day, clean air, water and food become more and more scarce. Some people commit suicide because they cannot pay their basic living costs; damage to the capacity of self-repairing of the ecological environment and the host limit of nature lead to the earth's illness.Vandana Shiva is one of those wise men. As the third world eco-feminist, she has a triple perspective:the perspective of the people of the Third World, Ecology and Women. With these unique perspective, sytematic academic research and social practice, Vandana Shiva deeply excavated and analyzed the causes behind these cricises together with other eco-feminists. Vandana Shiva believes that the survival crisis and development difficulties of human beings have a direct relationship with the western traditional development concept and development mode which result in the gender inequality, ecological crisis, new colonialism and economic exploitation. She analyzes the traditional western development model, and criticize its "good life" goal is not really "good".She thinks this development model that carries the genes of colony and exploitation has little feasibility and popularity decomposes the united front of women and causes interest conflict among different female groups, not to mention liberating women's abilities. The secret of this development model is the growth of colonies and the transfer of production costs and ecology costs. This development model is sustainable while the globalization expanded its scope of influence and involvement which damages local economy and culture diversity and covers the threat of resource war.Vandana Shiva proposed establishing a new development model that peruses sustainable living, respect indigenous knowledge systems and diversity of culture system following the justice and moderation principle--the friendly and caring nature ecological civilization development model. Perhaps there are some deficiencies in Shiva's development ethics, but the reflection and critical for development has a very good reference and revealing for our country whose national condition is similar to India.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vandana Shiva, Ecofeminism, Development Ethics, The Third World
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