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A Study Of The Poems Of Aixinjueluo·Duncheng

Posted on:2012-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368479510Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aixinjueluo ? Duncheng (1734-1791) was an important royal poet during Emperor Qianlong's reign and was the backbone of the imperial clan poets such as Dunmin, Hengren, Yongzhong, Yong Kui. He and Cao Xueqin's relationship has become a hot spot, while the poetry of Duncheng has been relatively neglected, and lack of overall reflection."Si Song Tang Ji" is the name of Duncheng's poetry collection, which has a total of five volumes. VolumesⅠtoⅡof this book has nearly two hundred poems. VolumesⅢto IV contain forty-three parts. VolumeV has eighty-one poems.This article seeks to return to the poetry of Duicheng for a comprehensive and in-depth study. So this article first gives a detailed and complete description of Duncheng's life, with the purpose to present a full Duncheng objectively. Subsequently, it thoroughly analyzes Duncheng's poems, and illustrates the primary coverage of Duncheng's poems. Lastly, this article discusses the poet's heritage and innovation on poetics origin and the poetry theory, and then discuss the main style of its poems.The thesis can be divided into three chapters. The first chapter intends to introduce the poet's life on the basis of biography, Xuba, notes and so on. This mainly elaborates from three aspects which are the poet marginal noble descent, the scholar family, the idle lethargic person. The second chapter intends to fully exploit five poetic themes of "Si Song Tang Ji", which are mainly landscape description, exchanges of toasts, lament of somebody, the feelings about some things, and the ideas about history. The third chapter firstly discusses the origination of Duncheng's poems, and then explores poetry of the two poetry theory, which are sincere detritus said, poetry bravery said, finally discusses the gentle aesthetic features of Duncheng's poems emphatically.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duncheng, Si Song Tang ji, Poetic theory, Gentle
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