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The State Of Existence Of Literate Groups Of Queen's Relatives And Queen In Eastern Han Dynasty

Posted on:2012-09-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Y LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330365454013Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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In Eastern Han dynasty, a large number of literati entered the office of queens'relatives, because imperial power declined, the road of official career through Imperial College suffocated, queens'relatives enhanced, and the eunuchs ran amuck in the court. These who took refuge in the office of queens'relatives and the court of regent queen mother formed literate groups. By evaluating these literati's choices historically, this article focuses on three problems related to these literate groups.Firstly, this article discussed emerge and development of those literate groups in Eastern Han dynasty. About 74 literati accepted the selected and recommended by the queen and queens'relatives. Successively, seven literate groups were formed in the office of queens'relatives and the court of regent queen mother, with Ma Fang, Dou Xian, Deng Zhi, Liang Shang, Liang Ji, Dou Wu, He Jin as their main characters respectively.Secondly, the article reveals the life state of the literate groups of the queen's relatives and the regent queen mother in Eastern Han dynasty. Most of the literati lived in distinguished families. They were the cultural elite with higher education. Having been invited,levied, requested, convened by queens'relatives and regent queen mother in the official way, they joined the queens'groups. After entered queen's relative groups, they mostly got promoted.Mainly, their tasks were writing articles, consulting current events,peulogizing accomplishments and making suggestions, or participating in queens'relatives political activities such as the joining armies and fighting eunech.The fate of the literati were different,being promoted, demoted far away,suffered by companions'faults or persecuted due to direct expostulation. They respected Han imperial legitimacy, upheld interests of queens'group, and simultaneously expressed individuality. Thirdly, this article explored another kind life state of the literate groups -- writing.Their literature creations mostly focused on queen and her reletives and thought in their points of view,expressing gratitude, consulting current events,peulogizing accomplishments and making suggestions, discussion,making a suggestion,eulogizing contribution, litigating grievances, saving great officials, devoting self-effacing, misdoing on behalf of their masters.Their creations were rich in contents and styles, presenting these features in art: style innovation;the subject of military, queens'relatives and other topics formally entering the Fu, eulogy,Zhen, etc. the letter work relatively active; Stylistic style also innovated , eulogy with longer preface ebeginning to appear.
Keywords/Search Tags:literate groups of queen's relatives in Eastern Han Dynasty, living state, literature creation
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