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On The Creative Qualities And Value Appeal Of The Contemporary Native Literature

Posted on:2012-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330362952046Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Local Literature has always been the mainstream of Chinese literature, even though the 20th century is an important period of transition from farming culture native to China's modernization process. But the local literature in the century Chinese literature still occupies a very important position, showing a unique aesthetic and literature. This paper of the Research Center is contemporary native literature, on the creative qualities and value appeal of the contemporary native literature in the history of evolution. Contemporary native literature obsesses with the return of their homes, in the pursuit of pre-modern in the dilution of the return of desire and suffering, the simplicity of expression and people between man and nature, harmony between people and orderly life, showing a good the value of the demand. Expansion of globalization, local literature bear the unique charm of the national culture demands, highlighting the local memory of a particular age, national culture and regional customs, showing the value demands. Contemporary native literature from the traditional to the contemporary form of transition, contains two kinds of narrative strategy, that the commercialization and secularization of ideographic pattern, reflecting the real life of human desire, showing the "real" demands of modern values.
Keywords/Search Tags:the contemporary Native literature, Creative Qualities, Value Appeal
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