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Fromm's Concept Of Happiness

Posted on:2012-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338992448Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 20th century famous humanism philosophers and psychologists fromm's, use spirit analysis, the paper analyzes the happiness and joy socialist happy the rationality and limitation of socialism happiness, definitely the happiness can serve as a kind of ethical value standard point of view. Fromm pointed out that human happiness was consistent with the nature of existence, to be happy means to be fully human birth, human potential to be the perfect realization of human survival the final answer.The concept of happiness has three main contents: first, the need was the power of happiness. Fromm, starting from the nature of human existence into the needs of the people associated with, and beyond, roots, identity, commitment and other five and that five kinds of happiness to meet the needs of the minimum conditions. Second, the production was the core of happiness. Production was the full potential of people power, that everyone had an attitude, a positive and practical way of life, with productive person who, before having sex with the production. Thirdly, love was the source of happiness. The nature of love to give, was a mutual respect and sharing with each other, improve and increase, both in love and get happiness.Fromm though the way that to achieve happiness, there were two, one individual psychological revolution, the second was social transformation. Through the psychological revolution, to achieve spiritual salvation, the twisted psychopathic personality molded into productive healthy personality. On economic, political and cultural transformation of the field, to achieve a state of equality, so that everyone could get material security, and lead a dignified life, restoration of human society, the highest status in the end to slavery were property situation. Fromm's concept of happiness was rooted in the alienation of capitalist society, the state of people, from a psychological dimension to explore in depth the well-being of the modern Western issues, building a harmonious society in China, the promotion of human happiness has some theoretical and practical alue .
Keywords/Search Tags:Fromm, concept of happiness, mental analysis, production, love Dissertation Type, Basic Research
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