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Concept - The Concept Of Dialectical Theory Research

Posted on:2012-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q HuFull Text:PDF
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Concept - The Concept of Dialectical Theory is edited by Professor Peng Yilian of East China Normal University . It is a very important academic work in the history of the dialectical logic development. This paper is divided into four chapters, introduced from the vertical and in-depth analysis of the system, it also introduces other academic research in this area in horizontal comparison. By reflecting the dialectical contradiction between the concept of movement to reveal the value principles of the book, as well as its important position in the dialectical logic, so that more people know about the academic value of this book.First, from the relatively static point of view, introduces the concept of dialectical logic of the position of the whole, the characteristics of the concept, the concept of role. Concept as the main object of study of dialectical logic, determines its position in the core of dialectical logic, dialectical logic through the whole school has always been, to the concept of the basic contradiction reflects the dialectical form of dialectics as the subjective reaction of the objective dialectic nature. Moreover, it is also to research on the concept of main content, starting from this basis, the dialectical logic and formal logic to distinguish. The basis of practice is essentially the concept of mind Master of objective reflection of the object, but it is also an objective that the "unique", dialectical reflection. Concept also has a dialectical nature.It is the subjectivity and objectivity, abstraction and specificity, universality and particularity, the unity of certainty and flexibility. As a form of thinking, the concept of the whole process of understanding is a very important role. In addition, it can depict the reality and regulate reality.Secondly, introduce the concept of inner contradictions from the perspective of absolute motion. Concept-The Concept of Dialectical Theory contradiction makes innovative of the concept. In its view, the contradiction embodied in the concept: the concept of abstraction up to the specific , concrete concept to expand the concept of system, concept to the judge, reasoning contradictions.Thirdly, from the relationship between concepts and methods the paper introduces the concept of the link to the method of transformation, based on and theoretical sources. Concept to the method of transformation, in essence, the theoretical level to practical level by the transformation is to transform the world from the knowledge of the transformation of the world, but also the concept of further development of its own contradictions: the concept by linking method and objective practice.Finally, the significance of the concept of point of view, reveals the value principles of Concept - The Concept of Dialectical Theory in the book. From the micro perspective, Concept - The Concept of Dialectical Theory's value of the concept of the principle of thinking embodied in two aspects: the concept of specific theories, methods on the concept to the theory of transformation, as reflected in chapter IV and VII. From a macro point of view, Concept - The Concept of Dialectical Theory's value of the concept of the principle of thinking embodied in three aspects: shows the power of human nature, demonstrates the pursuit of the ideal man, reflects on the ideal of Personality.Not only from the perspective of theory, but also from a realistic point, The Concept of Dialectical Theory is very important .as an excellent research results, it has a very important role and significance on the development. There is also very important guiding significance in our life and work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concept - The Concept of Dialectical Theory, the concept of, the dialectical logic
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