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The Collision Between Literature And The Image

Posted on:2012-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G P ShiFull Text:PDF
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The image is not strange for us,the image is the earliest expression to know and to record the world,it accompanied with human from primitive society to today, and it will continue to accompany with people in the future. In ancient times,people used image to describe the world,people make the image more simple for convenience and straightforward,the original characters were created,became the image's"assistant".In this sense,the image is the character's"ancestor".Human continue to improve characters for their own needs and then invent printing, literature was made of the collected of characters,and was changed the position with the help of printing, literaure was been elevated by people, it beyonded the image, became the leader over the world,the image became a literaure's servant and a supplements retired to the behind the curtain from the principle position. Literature as a new thing triumph over the old thing__the image, but the image still be in the world and try to improve, literature could not replace the image and became "the only thing",they took charge of the world together, from the history,it can be said to be peace between the image and literature.The wheel of history are running,photography fate has been changed caused by the invention of photography in 1895,12,28,openning a new page of the image.The image bringing a new meaning,depending on the strong technology begin to lead the whole world,gradually becoming the leading actor,according to every corner of the world,that is to say"full of eyes".At the end of the 20th century, the image and literature collided and wiped out sparks,and set out a "war" without bullets,in the war,the image went along and always in the ascendany with the help of others things,achieved the "throne",beginning "the image's rule",literature bowing it head and flattering the image,losing its original smell,becoming degenerate.Facing the degeneration,the academics are flustered,what's more,J·Hills Miller posed a thesis_"Literature final" which shocked human,literature was destoryed because of the misinterpreted of the "final",but the fact is that literaure is living and has its reasons to live in,it will "die" when all human disappear.Although literature will not " die ", we have to pay attention to the alarm which was made of the thesis of "Literature final". In image times, the fact that is literature have a decline trend and was marginalised.The reasons of these questions could not due to the image fully, the most important thing is to back and meditate itself. To solve the problem when found it.With the development of technology,the image will exist as"the favurite",so in image times,literaure should not compet with image,it should return to the ancient to seek suvival,fighting the image's virtual root with the strong confrontation;human who is sensitive,reasoning,variable and rich sentiment animal, not be always satisfied with pleasure,not be immersed in"shocked".They also would like the "distance" from reading literature,and like the imagination which literaure's "flavor" can give us. From the relationship between literature and the image,we can clearly know that they are not enemier,they can exsit in together, the image is booming due to absorb the essence of literature,why not borrow the "wind" from the image to add energy to help literature development?This article start with the harmonioue coexistence beween the image and literaure,in contrast,the "war"between them,trying to point out the disadvantage of literature,and improve the literature will not disappear,it exsist and will be,to explore a way which can take prosperity to literaure again.
Keywords/Search Tags:History emotion, today's war, Internal and external causes, never disappear, borrow the"wind"from the image
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