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Comparative Research On External Strategies Of The Seven Powers Of The Warring States Period

Posted on:2012-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338956527Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of my country, The Period of Warring States was one of the Great Reform and Development Periods. The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period were the main actors of inter-state interaction in the huaxia system, and formed complex multipolar structure. There was more than two hundreds years from the prophase of Warring States forming seven-polar politic structure to Qin Dynasty finishing the unification of ancient china. During that time, either for saving the nation, or for acquiring land, The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period exerted all their resources of external strategies in order to accomplish country's goal. In this period, every states reformed old law and innovation, in order to not losing in the war. This period also was the most frequent diplomatic activity phase in ancient china, and the alliance among states changed very fast.Firstly the author mainly explained the concepts of strategy and external strategy, expound and proved "The Global Vision Structure" of The Period of Warring States. In that period, "The Global Vision Structure" was the seven strong Kingdom of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin forming not stable balance of power. That was the base of this research.About the ideas of external strategy, the ideas of Qin Kingdom's Utilitarianism and unification of the whole country had accord with popular feelings and trend of the times. However about the other six kingdoms, regional expansionism idea of external strategy of Qi and Zhao Kingdoms, from regional strong state to depending on stronger of Wei and Han Kingdoms'ideas of external strategy, defensive realism idea of external strategy of Chu Kingdom, from isolationism to limited expansionism idea of external strategy of Yan Kingdom, all of this were failure because of pursuing short-term advantage.About the resources of external strategy, the four aspects geopolitics, economic resources, military might and domestic Politics of Qin Kingdom was very Superior to the other six Kingdoms. That was perspective of the might of Qin Kingdom from the resources of external strategy.About the means of external strategy, Qin Kingdom had taken military, alliance, diplomacy and other external strategy measures during The Period of Warring States. But the other six kingdoms toke single mean of external strategy, so often in the disadvantage.From the reform and opening-up, china's economy developed rapidly, which was similar to Qin Kingdom'rising up after Shang Yang's Reform. However, how china rise through peaceful development rather than violence. China's external strategy should make the following measures:China should determine an appropriate position in international system, work out scientific and rational ideas and goals of external strategy, make the goals of external strategy continuous and stable when the country's political power change, synthetically make use of both home and abroad talent resources, the means of external strategy should be diversified and scientific.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Seven Powers of the Warring States Period, External Strategy, Comparative Research
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