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Break The Limitations Of The Dimension

Posted on:2012-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338474061Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional visual communication design (graphic design) is an art form that doing all the design and creative work in the plane medium. During thease two centuries since it was born, its'media has always been a two-dimensional plane. However, as the rapid development of today's society, attention has become a scarce resource, the traditional sense of visual communication design appeared to be inadequate in terms of attracting attention. Ultra-dimensional space-time visual communication design is proposed as a corresponding concept for the traditional two-dimensional visual communication design.The ultra-performance two-dimensional space in visual communication design can be divided into four forms:firstly, place several images of the multiple dimensions in one plane space of two-dimensional, resulting in mixed-dimensional effect; Secondly, abandon our traditional space-time concept, change a perspective when viewing our current world, change the platform in visual communication design inorder to produce the illusion of multi-dimensional; Thirdly, breaking the conception of the traditional plane media, the traditional graphic design is only a part of the design or a stage that includes three-dimensional space, time and other factors, it is a mutative design; Fourthly, a post-modern visual communication design which treat the time factor as a design object or a concideration.The ultra-dimensional in visual communication design has a deep historical roots. It has an inextricably link with Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism, etc. from modern art. At the same time, it is also has some similar Space-time concept with original art and children's art.The main reasons of the ultra-performance two-dimensional space-time visual communication design are:Firstly, the impact of the technology advances and the deepening understanding of the world among our humans; Secondly, the pursuit of innovation, attract audience attention; Thirdly, designers to meet the human novelty's searching desire, and the pursuits of novel things(design language); Fourthly, post-modern prominent human's instinct of "play" mentality.
Keywords/Search Tags:ultra-dimensional, mixed-dimensional, space, time
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