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The Study Of Han Yu's Humorous Poetry

Posted on:2012-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338461854Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Humorous Poetry of Ancient China in the Tang Dynasty is prosperous. During this period, humorous poetry formed a very large population, and a large number of excellent works emerged. Among them, Han Yu is one of the best. Humorous poetry, as an important aspect of Han Yu's poem, reflects Han Yu's quiet, humorous feelings and the unique artistic style of his poem. It have a profound effect on future generations. Based on Han Yu's Humorous poetry,we will understand more fully the diversity of his poem. This probably is the interpretation of the meaning of Han Yu's humorous poetry.This paper regards Humorous Poems of Han Yu as research subjects, and focuses on exploring the value and significance, in order to make the comparison fair evaluation.The thesis is divided into four parts:The first chapter is mainly on the conceptual definition of humorous poetry. The concept of humorous poems often mentioned in the ancient literature comments, but not detailed and inconsistent. Therefore, the author first try to define the concept of humorous poetry. Humorous poetry is not a strict Poetry theme. It is just shall refer to the style of humorous poetry. And on this basis, the author then outlined the development of humorous poetry. This will provide the basis for later.The second chapter analyzes the ideological content of Han Yu's Humorous poetry. Author Statistics according to Qian Zhonglian's Compilation of information on the study of Han Yu's poems and summarys Han Yu's Humorous poetry situation. On this basis, author broadly groups the ideological content of Han Yu's Humorous Poems, divides it into three aspects:1.Self-mockery 2.friends joking 3.idiculed current ills.The third chapterⅠanalysis the artistic features of Han Yu's thumorous poetry. I divide these into several aspects as follows:First, about the language, it likes to use the word risk secluded rhyme, and does not avoid saying folk characters; Second, In subject matter, there is the tendency of secular; Third, The common use of imagination, exaggeratation, comparation strengthened the expression; Four, most of his humorous poetry has the five, seven Poems of the body contains characteristics. As while, there is the characteristics of prose as poetry.The four chapter explores the impact of Han Yu's Humorous Poems. Han Yu's humorous poems has a profound impact on future generations with its vast drawn and exquisite technique. Ou yangXiu, Mei Yao, Su Shi, Yang Wanli and many other poets under its dip irrigation, pastiche even more. Following Du Fu, Han Yu is the second key figure, who promotes poetic style twist from the Tang to Song.
Keywords/Search Tags:HanYu, Humorous Poetry, The artistic Feature, Influence
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