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Affix Of Liaoning Dialect

Posted on:2012-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330335475964Subject:Linguistics and Applied Language school
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Of Chinese dialects is extremely valuable cultural resources.The dialect is not only a long history, and internal structure of the complex and diverse, unique. As China's economy and culture of rapid development, the parties made areas people exchanges deepened, especially with the Mandarin and the popularization of a wide range of dialects in the language of some unique and valuable phenomenon is gradually changing, and some positive trends disappear. Investigation of these dialects, dialect preservation of cultural resources of our country, enrich and strengthen our language study has very important significance.Northeast China, Liaoning is located in the south of Liaoning dialects discussed in this article refers to all ethnic groups in Liaoning Chinese dialect spoken. Liaoning, Northeast China dialect is Mandarin dialect in northern areas. In this paper, and diachronic perspective, on the basis of detailed investigation, using the method described affix the common dialect of Liaoning when the plane of analysis. And in its basis, some of which were within its power to explain the phenomenon. Limited to the level can not explain, but also strive to put the full facts in order to lay the foundation for future research.In the introduction, we study the situation in Liaoning dialect did affix a rough sort, with the clarity of understanding: Liaoning dialect research affix less Heilongjiang, Jilin provinces, non-published papers describing the system, not detailed, but also research not depth, it can be said of Liaoning dialect not affix a certain size and depth. The main study is divided into prefixes, infix, suffix, is the focus of this article. First, the commonly used dialect in Liaoning affix the description and analysis. Specific analysis, as much as possible listing Affix Liaoning dialect formed by these typical words, and the structure of these words, speech, semantics, syntax features analysis, explanation, and then summarize the morphological characteristics of the various affixes.From the language of both internal and external factors on both the virtual affix a preliminary discussion of. This paper argues that Chinese disyllabic, resulting in the promotion of affixes play a significant role in the process. Semantic generalization and differentiation leads to Affix and relationships before and after changes in composition and structure, on the contrary, structural changes in semantic false cause, and then to affix generated. Language Contact and cognitive psychology (metaphor, analogy) is also an important factor in the formation of affixes. These factors add another wrong, and jointly promote the generation of Liaoning dialect affixes and development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liaoning dialect, prefix, infix, suffix, source
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