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The "Book Of Songs" Ethical Culture Study

Posted on:2012-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330335475726Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Book of Songs," with its rich content of life, a wide range of creative subjects, many multi-level multi-angle to show the picture of Yin and Zhou Dynasties social history, it also unique and ancient art form of cultural content, the personality of the Chinese nation and the soul have a major impact. Especially the "Book of Songs" Ethics in the maintenance of society and maintaining authoritarian rule and the social ritual under the order, and safeguard social stability played an important role.Based on the "Book of Songs," poems of the specific analysis and preliminary study, study "The Book of Songs" in the ethical values inherent in the origin of production, content, literary expression and its important influence on the development of Chinese culture.In addition to full introduction and conclusion, is divided into four chapters:The first chapter, "The Book of Songs," Ethics in the Cultural Origins. "Book of Songs" ethics mainly in construction and human blood patriarchal system based on the development of social consciousness generated. Blood is to maintain the family's internal strength, making the rule of internal solidarity, broken; and human consciousness is gradually with the progress of social development, people are thinking in a more mature society, which are produced for the Ethics and laid a solid basis.The second chapter, "The Book of Songs," Ethics in Literature. "Fucizixiao", "Xiongyoudigong", "husband wife Yin" is the ideological content of its performance. "Ancestor worship" as the center of religious psychology, "the brilliant general and the image portrayed" as the bright spot of cultural psychology to "normal things" as a symbol of the habit of psychology, and the "elite" for the glory of national pride is that it wonderful art style performance. Both constitute the Ethics in Literature.The third chapter, "The Book of Songs," Ethics and cultural characteristics. "Book of Songs" in the Ethical Culture has obvious characteristic, that is, the characteristics of a religion and the "father of human relations," axis to "filial piety" as the core. The nature of religious belief is a unique week of culture, it is within the scope of the "Book of Songs" has a naturally Ethical Culture. The "father of human relations" and "filial piety" is blood in the patriarchal culture in the ethical map. Chapter IV, "The Book of Songs" ethics impact on future generations. "Book of Songs" Ethics in the impact on future generations is very far-reaching, and it laid the foundation of Confucian ethics, the spirit of our nation has become an indispensable part. But it also has denied "individual consciousness", "yoke of the country from moving forward," the negative aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Book of Songs", ethics, literary expression, Culture
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