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Colposcopic Biopsy Diagnosis Of Cervical Disease, Clinical Analysis 213 Cases

Posted on:2012-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330368490227Subject:Obstetrics and gynecology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cervical cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy, is also currently the only early detection of gynecological malignancies. Cervical cancer incidence rate for women in some developing countries first place, the Chinese mainland's first female genital cancer. In recent years, the incidence of cervical cancer there is a rising trend, while there are indications of cervical cancer increasingly younger. Since the development of early stage cervical cancer is a slow process, the vast majority of cervical cancer there is a longer lasting, reversible precancerous stage, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Cervical squamous intraepithelial neoplasia (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN) and invasive cervical cancer is a group of closely related precancerous lesions, which reflects the development of cervical cancer in the continuous process. CIN in two different biological behavior, one is naturally dissipated and the other is the development of invasive cancer. Data shows that the development of invasive CIN about 10 years, the development of invasive cervical carcinoma in situ time of 3 to 10 years. Therefore, early diagnosis is the key to prevention and treatment of cervical cancer. If the timely detection and treatment of early cervical cancer patients more than 90% cure rate. Colposcopy is a special magnifying glass, can ectocervix epithelium 10-40 times magnification to observe the naked eye can not see minimal change, combined with acetic acid test and the iodine test, by observing the color of the image, borders, configuration, vascularand iodine color and other characteristics of cervical lesions to determine the location, extent and gravity of the colposcopy biopsy under direct vision to reduce the misdiagnosis rate, increased positive biopsy rate. Electronic colposcopic cervical biopsy wounds with its tiny, repeatability, high accuracy, cervical lesions has become an important means of early diagnosis.Objective: To study colposcopy biopsy in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and early invasive cervical cancer in the application.Methods: A retrospective analysis of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University clinic in March 2009 ~ March 2011 among 213 cases of cervical lesions in patients with colposcopy and histological findings.Results: 213 cases of cervical lesions colposcopy results: 105 cases of chronic cervicitis, 12 cases of HPV infection , CINⅠgrade 46 cases, CINⅡgrade 14 cases, CINⅢgrade 20 cases, 16 cases of cervical cancer .Results of pathological diagnosis: 117 cases of chronic cervicitis, 12 cases of HPV infection , CINⅠgrade 28 cases, CINⅡgrade 18 cases, CINⅢgrade 22 cases ,16 cases of cervical cancer .Colposcopy and pathological diagnosis consistent with the positive rate of 88.89%, Colposcopy diagnosis of HPV infection, CIN and cervical cancer with pathological diagnosis, theχ2 test was no significant difference (χ~2 = 2.67, P> 0.05).Conclusion: The colposcopy can ectocervix epithelium 10-40 times magnification for easy observation of the cervical lesion and the specific local lesions, extent, site of biopsy can be done for accurate positioning. Research in this group, colposcopy in early invasive cervical cancer and precancerous lesions better, the colposcopy diagnosis and pathological diagnosis rate of 87.5%.That screening for cervical cancer and precancerous lesions of colposcopy has important clinical significance. In CINⅠ, CINⅡ, CINⅢ, cervical cancer, colposcopy and pathology diagnosis rates were 60.87%, 77.78%, 90.90%, 100%, indicating that, if the lesions enhance, also with the detection rate of colposcopy the rise. Limitations of colposcopy cervical canal that can not see the lesions and interstitial infiltration and the results and check whether the knowledge and experience of those who have a close relationship, it is still not a substitute for colposcopy and biopsy, a combination that can improve early detection rate of cervical lesions. Overall biopsy under colposcopy, biopsy positive rate makes the improved, early diagnosis of CIN and cervical cancer, early treatment and reduce the incidence of cervical cancer has important value. Electronic colposcopic cervical biopsy wounds with its small, repeatable, accurate positioning of the features have become cervical cancer screening, cervical lesions in early diagnosis of safe, reliable screening method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Colposcopy, Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, Cervical cancer
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