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The Research Of Detection Technology For Important Parameters Of Low-frequency X-ray Machine

Posted on:2012-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330338968151Subject:Radiation protection and environmental protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of medical technology such as artificial sources (X-raymachines, CT, CR, DR) was widely used in various types of routine physicalexamination and disease diagnosis and treatment of other fields. According to statistics,about 10 million units of all types of medical diagnostic X-ray machine across thiscountry, about 3 to 5 million people received diagnostic X-ray examination every year.In addition, according to the relevant information ,the pass rate of X-ray detection onthe daily test is lower, such as Guangzhou in 2009, 322 sets of diagnostic x-rayinspection machine, the pass rate of 78.9%, which qualified rate of domestic machinesOnly 64.5 percent, while this machine which made in foreign country pass rate about88.9%. This widely use of such a large volume and pass rate so low, was posed aserious challenge to control the collective dose level for the public.Frequency X-ray optical machine as a kind of special machine because of China'snow national conditions, which accounted for nearly half of the total. This type of rayconcentration exists in the medical and health units below the county level, these unitsare exists in long-term because lack of funds and lack of relevant managementexperience, resulting in little frequency-ray machine long-term work in an abnormalworking condition. such as tube voltage deviation indicates deviation from theexposure time, output reproducibility, non-linear output, useful harness thephenomenon of half-value layer, have occurred, and cannot be detection and repairtimely, those brings the risk of radiation damage. as the staff engaged in the businessand the patient who accepted examination or treatment.At present, this has been in-depth research at abroad such as Unfors, Fluke andother related testing equipment companies have come out and get a good application.China to carry out such detection work is basically carried out based on theseinstruments. However, these instruments are built for the high-frequency ray machines,and although the frequency of light aircraft to use, but the performance is not as good at high frequencies to use it. Lack of domestic independent R & D and innovation, willbring the growing gap with foreign countries.In this thesis, base of those above reasons, we do some research about thedetection method of the frequency X-ray tube voltage, dose, half-value layer, and thetime of exposure by non-intervention measuring theory of the four key parameters. Wedeveloped a portable X-ray detection equipment based on the above theory and nuclearradiation detection technology. The instrument is mainly used to measure the quality oflow-frequencies X-ray machines, which provide a convenient, fast and accurate testdevice for the testing people.The topics are related to experiments and research and development wascompleted in radiation Research Institute of National Test.
Keywords/Search Tags:Low-Frequency X-ray machine, Semiconduct detector, X-Ray, Balance of X-Ray
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