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Study On Configuration, Function And Histopathology Of Compensatory Kidney In Dog

Posted on:2010-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2213330368985259Subject:Clinical Veterinary Medicine
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Canine renal compensation which is induced either by obstruction of the ureter or by removal of the kidney is very common in small animal clinic. According to the report, there are two types of renal compensatory growth process including hypertrophy which means the enlargement of the cell and regeneration which means the increase of the cell quantity that both affected by animal age. Meanwile, some researchers found that the renal parenchyma was damaged and the apoptosis was present during the compensatory period, the view of which is contradictory with others. The purpose of this experiment therefore is to establish the renal compensation model and investigate the configuration, renal function and histopathological change with B-mode ultrasonography, anaslysis of urinary protein and microscopic examination of renal tissue so that to provide for theriocal evidence of compensatory renal research in small animal clinics.ExperimentⅠ:Evaluation of the configuration of compensatory kidney in dogobjective:to evaluate the configuration of canine renal compensation with B-mode ultrasonography. Methods:chosing 13 healthy adult dogs, the left ureters were ligated each dog and the renal length,renal width,and renal depth were measured on compensatory kidney(the right kidney) one day before and 1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12,14,17,19 and 21 days after ureter ligation, respectively. Results:renal length, renal width and renal depth values of compensatory kidney from 1-21 days after ligation were not significantly different compared to that before ligation(P>0.05). Conclusion:the configuration variety of compensatory kidney did not occurr within the short period after ligation. ExperimentⅡ:Evaluation of the function, urinary protein of compensatory kidney in dogObjective:to estimate the function of compensatory kidney by detecting the quantity of the protein and distinguishing the urinary protein origin. Methods:chosing 7 healthy adult dogs, the urine was collected every day after the left ureter was ligated. The urinary total protein were measured within 34 days. and the urinary protein was separated by electrophoresis. Results:results showed that urinary protein could be detected every day after the left ureter was ligated and trended to increase in the total experimental process. The total protein of urine increased by 0.94 mg·mL-1 28 days after the ligation which was significantly different compared with that before ligation (P<0.05) and rased to 1.9 mg·mL-1 31 days after the ligation which was extremely significantly different compared with that before ligation (P<0.01); results of protien electrophoresis showed that the strap on the gelation was not clear on the first 12 days and could be seen obviously on the gelation after that. The types of protein straps were much more than before and the colour was deepened. The strap that both below and up than 66.2 KD appeared from the day 13 to the day 31 which proved that the type of urinary protein belong to miscellaneous proteinuria. It indicated that the glomerular permeability increased and the tubular reabsorption ability decreased; the variety of big relative molecular weight protein was less after 31 days. Conclusion:the urinary protein quantity was in normal range and the protein didn't appear on gelation by SDS-PAGE within 12 days after ligation. The miscellaneous proteinuria appeared in gelation, indicating that both the glomeruli and the tubule are damaged and the renal function was reduced from day 13 to day 38 after the ligation.ExperimentⅢ:Histopathological changes during the renal compensatory process in dogObjective:to evaluate histopathological changes during the renal comensatory process in dog. Methods:chosing 7 healthy adult dogs, the tissue was collected from compensatory kidney(right kidney) 3,7,14,21,28,35 and 75 days after ligation, respectively. Preserving the kidney tissue sample in 4% paraform with the temperature of 4℃used for HE staining and histopathological examination. Results:according to the hematoxylin and eosin stained slices observation,3 days after the left ureter was ligated, the compensatory renal glomeruli was congested which led to mildly increase of glomeruli volume, besides, the number of mesangial cell was increased. Several epithelial cells of tubule were muddy and swollen and degenerated, part of the cells sloughed off; 7 days after the left ureter was ligated, the capillaries was congested. The Bowman's capsule was almost "closed" as a result of the increase of the glomeruli volume. The number of mesangial cell was increased. Several epithelial cells of tubule were muddy and swollen mildly; 14 days after the left ureter was ligated, the glomeruli was congested and the volume was increased. The glomeruli was lobulated mildly and the number of mesangial cell was increased. The epithelium cells of tubule were edematous and parts of them were degenerated and sloughed off. Some epithelial cells can be seen in lumen. There were a lot of protein casts in the tubular lumen.21 days after the left ureter was ligated, the volume of the glomeruli was increased and the number of mesangial cell was increased. There were midium hyperplasia of glomeruli. The epithelium cells of tubule were edematous. Some of them were degenerated and apoptotic and sloughed off into the lumen. Several tubules were seriously degenerated and the basement membranes were naked. There were tiny protein casts in the lumen.28 days after the left ureter was ligated, the volume of the glomeruli was a little small and the number of mesangial cell was increased mildly. The epithelium cells of tubule were curmbly degenerated and part of them sloughed off into the lumen; 35 days after the left ureter was ligated, the volume of the glomeruli was a little small and the number of mesangial cell was increased mildly. The epithelium cells of tubule were degenerated and sloughted off. There were tiny protein casts in the lumen; 75 days after the left ureter was ligated, the volume of the glomeruli was a little small and the number of mesangial cell was increased mildly. The tubular lumen was extended. The interstitial edema was abvious. The epithelium cells of tubule were degenerated. There were many protein casts in lumen. Conclusion:the compensatory kidney was found injured by histopathology after the left ureter was ligated. Firstly, the compensatory kidney was characterized by the increase of the glomeruli volume and the congestion of the glomeruli a short time after the left ureter was ligated. Secondly, the pathological change of mesangial cell hyperplasia and the tubular epithelium cell degeneration and apoptosis accompanied with the whole compensatory process 75 days after the left ureter was ligated.
Keywords/Search Tags:dog, compensatory kidney, renal configuration, urine protein, histopathology
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